Sunday, December 3, 2023

A relaxing Saturday

I got an email that my mom's application for medicare advantage plan I signed her up for is in process. So starting in January she will be saving almost $100 a month in premiums. At least when I get old and it's too hard to figure it all out myself, I'll have dd to do like I am doing for my mom. 

Yesterday I got my "to-do's" done. A couple loads of laundry done, one being the sheets off the guest bed and then I got the Christmas duvet put on it.  I cleaned out the fridge. Dishwasher loaded and ran and put away while dinner was baking. Dinner was some ham/turkey/cheese sliders. The day before I had pulled out the Hawaiian rolls from the freezer. I had wrapped over the plastic bag it comes in with foil. These rolls were as fresh as the day I bought them after thawing. Plus, I love these Walmart bakery Hawaiian rolls so much better than the prepackaged one's from the bread aisle. They are so fresh and also cheaper.

We got a couple inches of snow yesterday and a little bit more last night. Amos thought he wanted outside first thing this morning. He wanted back in 5 minutes later. He's in my lap right now as I talk.....using his paw to reach my pens next to my keyboard and knock them on the floor. Every day. haha.

After dinner I watched the Hallmark Christmas movie dd recommended and enjoyed that. Since I had recorded it, I was able to fast forward through the commercials.

I'm going to have to ask the staff at my mom's place to check her phone again. It's ring,s but she never answers, so I guess she stuffed it in the drawer again? I will call later this morning, to ask. Her Covid has been very mild, so that's a relief.  

I was awake at 6am and finally decided to just get up at 6:30. Today, I'm going to try to do the rest of my Christmas shopping online. I just have a couple more things for dd and the delivery driver's gifts. I think I'm going to go with the Frango's chocolate mints again. Who doesn't like those? LOL. I just got online with Macy's. Rakuten cash back is 10% today and Macy's is 30% off. More savings. Did you know they have a Frango Chocolate Mint cheesecake?! $78 - haha. I'll just take their word for it that it's as delicious as it looks. Ok, boxes of Frango's ordered. 

I just tried to sign into Rakuten to see what my cash back total is and cannot get signed in. I'm so tired of computer and website issues. It keeps asking me to do the captcha verification, it accepts that and then still says something is wrong. Keep trying. Then try forgot password and go through the captcha again and again, then it just keeps spinning trying to sign on. It did this to me other other day and I gave up quickly. OMG, I finally get to where I can submit reset password and it does nothing, just sits on that screen. I give up. So, I tried a different browser and it opened right up. I have $12, plus I will earn the $9 from this Macy's purchase. I think I am about done with Firefox as my browser. Getting dh off of it solved his issues and I keep having stupid stuff like this happen and another browser works fine.

I just went downstairs to make dh's egg sandwich and the cat wanted out again. Yep, still snowy, buddy. 

I have like $25 in Kohl's cash I need to use up in a few days. I wanted to get the jeans, but so far, since my cash rewards has been available to use, they have put the jeans back on at full price. Just my luck.  

Dh's passport renewal came in the mail yesterday. Now just waiting for mine. I put a passport holder on my wish list dd wanted for me, so if I don't get one for either Christmas or my birthday in January, I'll need to get one for it. 

I think I'll vacuum downstairs today. I'm never too excited about it - it always hurts my back for awhile, but gotta be done.


  1. Being retired I'm able to do housework "little and often" although bed making and bathroom cleaning have to be done daily.
    I also get a persistent lower backache if I vacuum for too long.
    Luckily we only have carpets in the living room and stairs.
    My pet hate is cleaning the shower - I'm not sure why!

  2. Jre have you considered the roomba type vacuum? Maybe for a Christmas present. I have one and it works great but I often have too much junk/clutter I’m not the tidiest and have 12 grandchildren nearby (legos/toys……) but your house looks perfect for one

    1. I have thought of this and wondered. I know my mom had been given one years ago (kind of when they first came out) but I don't think she used it much. I know dd has one as well, and I'll have to ask her if she uses hers. I'm afraid it would end up just another "thing" ending up in the closet, LOL. But, it would sure help my back and at least could help in between regular vacuumings.
