Thursday, December 21, 2023

A nice suprise

Some very good news yesterday from my boss: I'm getting a year end bonus! She sent me a list to cut checks for, and in addition to the management, only 7 "regular" employees are getting a bonus, and I am one of them. And a nice $5,000 bonus, at that! That was sure a nice, welcome surprise to hear about. I was not expecting anything this year at all, not even hoping they might.

Every year, this week, dh tries to catch the garbage man to give him a little Christmas gift. He usually comes around 7:30 am most weeks, but sometimes as early as 6am. So, dh has been up since 6 am waiting, LOL. It's now 7:50am.....ok, he just showed up. The only one we have left is for FedEx and I don't show anything is coming from them this week. Maybe next week and it can be a New Years gift. We just don't have as much delivered from FedEx as UPS and now USPS (as they are delivering most of the Amazon orders in our area, now).

With the change in my mom's medicare advantage plan, I was thinking this new (lower cost) plan probably doesn't include that $200/yr OTC benefit, but it does. It's all stuff that has to be ordered from their OTC website, so it's much higher priced than you can get it retail, but it's still a decent benefit and a good way to stock up on some stuff like acetaminophen, itch cream and neosporin.

I'm leaving to go see my mom and other errands in about a half hour. When I get back early this afternoon, I will be calling Walmart again to proceed with getting my refund, since the seller never responded to them or me. Hopefully, it doesn't take too long to get the refund. I don't want to buy the bookcases somewhere else before I know I have the refund. My luck, if I ordered them again, I'd get a message about the first order that said "your bookcases have shipped!". and I'd be out $2k, instead of $1k and have 4 extra bookcases I don't need.

The weather is clear and dry for driving. No snow. I'll take advantage of this while I can.


  1. Congratulations on your bonus! Although, think of how much you save them annually just by main your own premises. Truly, I am in awe of your focus. I would never ha e been able to work from home as you do! Hopw your bookcase arrives soon. Please post photos!

    1. I find working from home SO much easier/better. Less interruptions and especially NO hours long commuting

  2. Great bonus! I didn't like the products I received from that benefit being WM brand instead of brand I wanted. When I came to your blog tonight, I was hoping the bookcase dilemma had been settled. It's good your husband wants to give gifts to the delivery men.

  3. Congratulations on that bonus. What a lovely extra Christmas present!
