Monday, December 18, 2023

A dirty kitchen and sticker shock

I got quite a bit done yesterday, even though I never got too excited about it all, LOL. I made the sugar cookie dough to chill for 2-3 hours. Cleaned the kitchen again. Wrapped the gifts for the delivery people and a gift to mail to a friend. I also wrapped the gift to the wife of our couple friends. The husband half was getting peanut butter cookies and some Christmas sugar cookies, so I couldn't wrap those until I made them. I was planning on printing out UPS labels and sending these packages with our UPS guy on Monday. I went to create the one label for the package that was ready - 2.2 pound box....cost $29 with a discount code! The other box that will go to our Texas friends would weigh just a bit more. Holy cow - $60 to mail 2 packages?! So, I checked pricing with USPS and it says approx $16 each. So, I guess we are running into town to mail these at the post office today. Geez! Next year I think I will get them gifts that I can ship direct, with free shipping, LOL.

I used my new silcone mat to roll out the dough and at least that was much better to keep the dough from sticking, so at least I was much less frustrated with that part. My first sheet of cookies I baked at the minimum time on my recipe and it overcooked some of them a bit. I was happy that for the most part they did hold their cookie cutter shapes. So, I turned the oven down 10 degrees and did the next sheet for the same length of time and they came out good. I got done with those. Cleaned the kitchen again. Then it was time to make dinner. Ate. Cleaned the kitchen again.

I texted with my half sis a bit. I was procrastinating with making the peanut butter cookies. They are just from the pre made bag mix. Literally takes me like a half hour to make the 2 dozen. I was telling myself I could just do it when I got up in the morning. Finally, at 7:30pm I just made myself make them and get it done with. Cleaned the kitchen again. Once they were cooled, just before I went to bed I got them packed up, along with some of the sugar cookies. I found a square Christmas cookie tin in my cupboard, so I use that to pack up his cookies. And used small type bubble wrap sheets to try to keep them from breaking. I don't think the peanut butter cookies will break, but the sugar cookies probably will.

I'm so excited to get my bookcases today. Dh will keep busy assembling them. 

And here is a cute picture of Amos to end today's post


  1. Are you feeling better? Headaches are miserable! Love your catalog. When libraries in my hometown state first computerized, (early 1990's) catalogs were a dime a dozen in the antique shops. Wish I bought one! What will you store in the drawers? I considered getting my MLS too. Remember the stamp the librarians used to check out your books? I also loved hearing the sound of the machine they ran your card through. Plus, librarians first stop for thesis papers was the library's reference desk. I have encountered some librarians who seemed to get more excited about my research than I was!

    1. I am feeling better, thank you for asking! I always loved going to the library as a kid. I think I decided accounting was more widespread and able to get jobs easily, whereas there are only so many libraries around.

  2. Oh, yeah...shipping charges....DD discovered, (after I told her seven times but she didn't listen) that shipping her things to school via UPS would cost as much as a plane ticket. I told her to just buy her stuff there as she has acess to our credit card, and there are Targets and Walmarts in Philadelphia. She didn't, went to UPS, and came straight back home with the boxes refusing to pay $600. So now she has those four boxes in her closet packed with dorm room supplies (comforter, pillows, towels etc..) AND a fully outfitted dorm room at school. She waited too long to use USPS and have it arrive before she did, but it would have been a lot cheaper. USPS is a service, not designed to turn a profit, unlike a private company, ie:UPS. In any case, even buying two sets of stuff was cheaper than shipping UPS!

    1. Kids should listen to us! LOL. I don't recall what it cost me to mail packages before, with UPS, but I know it sure wasn't this much.

  3. Check!! MUCH cheaper rates with UPS and USPS. I just shipped 18lbs for under $30, whereas at the counter they'd want $60+.

    1. I've never heard of this company. I'll check it out.

    2. I run an Etsy shop and use Pirateship for all my shipping needs. Discounts are amazing on heavier and larger packaging. Maybe it will help in the future with shipping. :) I know going to the counter at USPS would cost me almost 2x what I can print postage for online.

  4. Amos looks like a Lion 🦁 lol
    Baking = lots of clean-up:)
    Your card case & bookshelves are going to be showstoppers.
    Are your hips & back improved?
    Mrs. Santa Clause 🤶 (you) needs her rest.

  5. Sending stuff via mail is just bonkers these days - another blogger mentioned she spent $$$$ on sending stuff that definitely could have waited to be sent. Amos is the best!

    1. I'm glad dd and sil are coming over the week after Christmas and we can both just wait and not ship the packages. It would probably cost them to ship what it will cost them in gas to drive over here!

  6. Amos is so damn cute ! He looks like King of the jungle up there! I am on my second week baking. I have a love / hate relationship with baking! lol I make from scratch and every time my cookies come out different. It drives me nuts! But I keep doing it so I must like being driven nuts!! haha!
    You should do another tour of your house! It's beautiful from what I can see!

    Take care,

    1. I have the same love/hate relationship. Especially with these sugar cookies. They taste so good, but never turn out looking the same. That's a good idea for a blog post, it's probably been awhile since I shared pics of inside the house, since we got it done.

  7. Amos is surveying his domain. Ha!
    Baking is definitely on the list of easy or unmessy chores. It cannot pile up!
    I mailed early years ago and still it was costly. When covid his, I started sending grandchildren egifts for Amazon. They were old enough to appreciate the gift without a physical gift in their hands. Plus, they were old enough to not expect a physical gift. I have pretty much cut out mailing gifts.

    How are your headaches? Gone, I hope.

    1. I meant not on the list of unmessy chores.
      Practical Parsimony

    2. My headache and also the hip/lower back ache are gone, thank you for asking. Seems like the older we get, if it's not one ache, it's another.

  8. Amos looks like he's carol singing!

  9. I was hoping to avoid a 20 mile round trip to the post office and usually do just use UPS and give it to our driver, but double the price is ridiculous.
