Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Blinded by the light

The Edison light bulbs I got for the pool table light arrived. Bright! Well, we've figured out that really the issue is that the fixture has no light diffusing panels in it. Like here is an example of one that has the light diffusing panels....

This lamp is $1200. Hence, the reason I didn't get it! The lamp I got was $355, plus shipping. Apparently this is some kind of material called "mica". I have found it online, but so far only in sheets that are 36"..of course I need it to be a little over 37". This is my light fixture (not picture of my actual light):

The light coming through it, with our bulbs in, is super bright and almost at eye level because it will be hanging down above the pool table. Oh my goodness. I looked and looked online for something to use. Something I could just cut out in the panel shapes and glue/adhere inside the light fixture. I googled diffuser panels, everything I could think of and couldn't find anything, except white. I found some flexible plastic sheets that you can cut, but they are almost a white and I don't think would look good lining the fixture, behind the nature scenes. I was getting frustrated.

Then I came across this lampshade paper. It's not very expensive, but I think (HOPE!) will work to diffuse the light somewhat and look ok. If that doesn't work, I don't know what to try. I can try getting some amber tinted light bulbs, which may help, but we are worried that they won't be bright enough, shining down onto the table. I'll try the paper first before buying more bulbs.

I don't know what I did to my hips/lower back, but by the end of yesterday, I was hurting and still am today. I can barely bend over. Well, I can bend over, it just really hurts to go back up.

I finally got through to my mom on her phone again. The last time she answered it was Monday last week! (then, when I called m/c last Friday they put her on their phone). I have been trying at least a couple times a day. It was about 10:15 when I called. She sounded tired and I could tell she didn't really know who I was. Hoping it's just that she was napping and I woke her up. The other interesting change (pretty much since she got sick with Covid) is she hasn't called me herself. She used to call me every few days. When I asked her if she was just sitting in her recliner resting, she said "recliner?" I then said your chair and she said she wasn't sure what she had just been doing.  I see from her telephone call log, online, the last time she tried to call me was Nov 21st, just before Thanksgiving. Sadly, I have a hunch maybe the end of her calling me has arrived.


  1. There are so many milestones with this disease but all are sad. The good thing is that she doesn’t yearn for things that are no longer doable for her since she lives in the moment. She does not feel bitterness, anger or jealousy which are sometimes feelings that aging non-dementia people deal with as they become able to do less and less. It is harder on you than it is on her.

    1. Thank you for this insight. You've described it perfectly.

  2. Hopefully that won't be the end of her calls. But I understand:(
    I love the light & you will love the pool table. Good times!
    Your plans for your bookshelves & the library feeling sounds amazing. I would Love that:)
    Your trees & decorations are so nice
    Everything is tasteful & thought out. I like that:):):)

    1. You are so sweet! I am so excited for the pool table...when it ever will get there, LOL.

  3. Oh my! I can imagine just how bright and distracting the light must be. Once, years ago, I was looking for similar panels for a hanging fixture that once hung in a convent. I found a glass company with the same kind of light-diffusing panels like you must need. I do believe it was in Birmingham, near me.

    You have had to face many a 'last time' events with your mother. Maybe she was just really tired. You can always just keep in touch with her. I am sure the sound of her voice is still comforting and familiar.

    1. I'm thinking worse comes to worse we can have a glass company cut some tinted glass for it. I'm hoping she was just napping when I called and I woke her up, but like you said, it was just good for me to hear her and say hello.

  4. Do you happen to have a dimmer switch on that light? Our bathroom is like that - blinding light on our blinding white walls. Dimmer switch made all the difference for us.

    1. No, we don't have a dimmer switch for it. It needs to be bright to light up the pool table top, but the light needs to direct downward, not also out the sides of the fixture, LOL.

    2. Ohhhh - obviously NOT a pool player here!

    3. I was hoping just getting some amber tinted bulbs (or even lower watt bulbs) would work (and it still may be ok) but dh was concerned that the pool table surface is supposed to be really lit up for playing. Not dim or it casts shadows. Maybe my lampshade paper will do the trick.
