Friday, December 22, 2023

Dementia sucks

It was kind of a sad visit with my mom. She was sitting with a couple other residents at a table (each just in their own little world) and when I got up next to her and said hello, I could tell there was no spark of recognition in her eyes, like there usually is. She might not always remember my name right off the bat, but she always knows that I am someone she knows. (and will often tell others "this is my daughter"). We very slowly (slower than usual) walked back to her room, so I could cut her hair. So, at least that's an improvement. As I was leaving I went to use the bathroom just outside her room (for employees and guests) but it was locked. The other lady she shares a bathroom with, in between their rooms, door is just next to this guest bathroom. I noticed her name sign on her door was empty. When I got back into my mom's room I went in through her bathroom and looked into the other room. All empty :(  I'm not sure if she passed away or moved out. She had been there since before my mom moved in.

I stopped at the grocery store for a few things and then the bank. By then traffic and parking lots were getting pretty bad. Pre-Christmas madhouse I'm sure. It took me 3 cycles through a light just to get out of the bank parking lot. Thankfully that was all I wanted/needed to do in the city and I got on the main road and headed back home.

After I got home, I called Walmart since it's now been 48 hours that the seller had to respond on the bookcases. Due to the dollar amount of my order the agent had to transfer me to a "higher up" department, so I was on hold about 10 minutes, but then within a couple of minutes that agent put through my refund. She said it would take 3-5 days to show up on my credit card. I've always wonder why a charge shows up instantly, but a credit always takes several days, LOL.

Now, I need to decide on where to order them from. There are several other sellers of the same bookcases, but all of them are going to cost me about $100 more than Walmart, plus I'm going to end up losing that 10% Rakuten cash back, which was a nice rebate.

It was nice having the whole day off yesterday, rather than trying to just take a half day and feel rushed. I even got a good nap in later in the afternoon. 

It doesn't feel like a Friday, today. I have to get payroll processed and a quarterly state tax return done, for sure. Then just make sure a few bills are prepaid, since I'm going to be off for 2 weeks. Two weeks! I'm so ready :)


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that this rotten disease seems to be advancing.
    She seems calm and not anxious which is something to be grateful for and I'm sure due in large part to your care for her over the years.
    The losing of a really good friend ( which is how she comes across in your blog ) is inevitable but still sad.

    1. That is the one blessing in all this - she is content and not anxious or aggitated. She was always a calm, easy going person, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it, though I've also read of people that just totally change from that to the opposite when they get dementia.

  2. I know you are sad not to have your mother recognize you. I wonder if the other woman being gone even affected her.

    About charges and refunds, I have wondered the same thing. But, another day's interest is more important from them, never mind your finances.

    1. She's never seemed to have much awareness that there was someone she was sharing a bathroom with. Plus, every single time I have ever been there that lady was always just sitting in her room. I never once saw her out in the common area, not even for activities. You would always just see her siting in her recliner with a book in her lap (that I doubt she was reading, of course). But her room sure was decorated nice and homey.

  3. Sorry you are going through this with your mom. Just popped in to catch up, I am working a very demanding job so no blogging for me, but I look forward to returning some day. Have a very Merry Chistmas!

    1. Good to hear from you! I hope you do return to blogging some day. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
