Sunday, December 17, 2023

Slow Sunday morning

I woke up yesterday morning with a headache and never really shook it off and kept waking up during the night with my head still pounding. This is likely the major reason I am so tired, but not sure what is causing the headache. I just assumed it was because I stayed up so late and didn't get enough sleep the night before - and all the sugar sweets.

Just before I got up from my nap yesterday, dh had laid down for a nap. I had seen the email notification that FedEx delivered the library card catalog cabinet, while I was napping. I just assumed dh had seen them come (we had been watching for them all day, plus the neighbors dogs would bark about it) but when he got up he said no, he didn't know. So, he went out to the gate with his handcart and brought it in. At least it all came in one piece and nothing to put together, LOL. It's really cute! I like it. I sent a picture of it to dd and she said "CUUUUUTE!!" I checked on tracking for the bookcases and now they are supposed to arrive tomorrow!

It will be a little shorter than the bookcases, which is fine, but I may have dh build a little pedestal to raise it up. I'll just wait and see how it all looks when the bookcases get here.    

I interrupt this post due to not being able to type.....

My Christmas dinner plates also arrived Friday. They are really nice and a good deal for $32 they ended up costing me.  Nice earthen ware and large sized.

I don't really know what I'm doing today. Again, just not feeling much gumption to do much. I do have to get my 2 friends gifts wrapped and ready to ship (procrastination!) and one of the gifts for the guy of our couple friend (the ones we are going on the cruise with) I'm making peanut butter cookies, which I wanted to wait to make as close to shipping out as possible. I also need to get my cards out in the mailbox tomorrow morning.

I think I'm just ready to have 2 weeks off work - haha! One more week to go.  Dh will be kept busy putting 4 bookcases together tomorrow ;)

I really need to try to make my sugar cookies as well....I need some motivation and probably some luck for these one's to turn out.       


  1. hello Amos, LOL! Good luck on the cookies - we are starting Christmas prep over here too :)!

  2. Amos needs attention?
    Those are cute and do need a pedestal to raise it up, if for nothing else but to get those drawers on the bottom up where they can be reached better. What are you going to store in these drawers?
    I solved the problem of peanut butter cookies by buying the flat square that you cut apart. I will still need to do that cutting while seated...cookies in my lap.
    Sorry about the headaches.

    1. That's a good point on raising the cabinet! It's designed to hold cd's or dvds, so I'll probably put ours in it. Other than that I mostly just wanted it for the "library" look, LOL.

  3. Well, this former librarian loves a good card catalog cabinet! I love that! I bet it will be great with the bookcases that are coming. I also love the dishes. They turned out even cuter in person! Hope you feel better soon.

    1. I wish I could have gotten a real card catalog cabinet! Maybe someday. If I wasn't an accountant I probably would have been a librarian ;)

  4. Oh that cabinet is really lovely!!! A very good buy!

    1. I think it will look good with the bookcases and kind break of the long wall between the bookcases.
