Thursday, December 14, 2023

Trying to get some ambition by tomorrow

So, dh (after we made an agreement NOT to exchange gifts this Christmas!) has been ordering me gifts. He has his wrapping station all set up in the bonus room, LOL. As the gifts arrive, he wraps them up. He's been waiting on one gift, watching the tracking.....T'Pol - you will get a laugh out of this one - apparently he didn't realize an order he made was coming from Istanbul, Turkey! I think he must have ordered something from Etsy. Yesterday tracking showed it was in Nashville, TN. He was just relieved it made it to the states, after he realized it was coming from overseas. Today the package shows up. He was so relieved, LOL. I can't imagine what he ordered, but I will be sure to post what it is, after Christmas.

We are having friends come and they will be staying over tomorrow night. I didn't find out they were coming until the day after I did my last grocery order. Now I need to figure out what to make for dinner tomorrow. I hate cooking meals for other people (I don't mind breakfast, too much). I am just never confident in my cooking abilities. I'm trying to decide between my chicken enchiladas or homemade mac and cheese. I think the enchiladas will be much easier to make. But, I need some tortillas, so I guess I will need to run into town today or tomorrow at lunch time and get a few things. 

I really wanted to have at least a couple kinds of holiday cookies made to have on hand and to give a box to our guests to take with them, but I just haven't had the ambition yet, especially with how bad my hips/lower back has been hurting the past 2 days. It is somewhat better today. Has anyone tried the pre-made sugar cookie dough? I'm thinking of just getting some of that to at least make some easy cookies. I'm sure they probably taste fine. Maybe during lunch tomorrow I'll feel like making a batch of rosette's to go with the sugar cookies.

My keratosis spot on my back is really going away. It seems to reduce by about half every day. I should be back to wearing a bra here any day now, LOL.

My new jeans arrived yesterday. I decided to try the high waisted jeans. 2 "regular" and one is "curvy" with a bit of stretchiness. I put this pair on this morning and like it. My other jeans are mid waisted and constantly feeling like they are falling off my hips, weather they are loose or tight (I have 2 sizes). I'm tired of always hitching up my pants! Must be from getting old, LOL. 

DH's buddy called again last night and dh answered "I know - 30 minutes" and friend said, no only 15 minutes this time. Dh said "then what the hell did you even call me for anyway?!" 😂


  1. I stopped wearing a bra and home ages ago and just let the girls hang free. The premade sugar cookie isn’t bad♥️

  2. I don't wear a bra anywhere, anymore - LOL. But I do love a good pair of high waisted jeans. I cannot wait to see what came in from Turkey for you~

    1. The jeans felt strange at first, but I got used to the higher waist right away and am liking that they stay up! LOL

  3. In the far distant past, I have bought the rolls of cookie dough. It was great.
    Jeans made my back hurt and is part of why I have back trouble today! I can only wear elastic waists.
    The exchange between dh and his friend was funny.
    One time, I bought something to mail to my daughter in Brooklyn, and it was made in Brooklyn. I was rushing to get it off the little grandson and wondered if I could have gotten it to her much easier by contacting the manufacturer.

    1. That's interesting about jeans making your back hurt. Ok, I tried 2 different cookie doughs last night....bleh!

  4. Oooo now I am intrigued. Wonder what he ordered from here. I'm going to NY January 10th. If you want more stuff, I will bring them and send them from NY. It will be faster. Lol!
