Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Tuesday and a little TMI

Yesterday was a decent day. It was nice to finally have my IT issue resolved and not deal with that. Today I have to process payroll, but I did some pre-work on it yesterday.

At the end of November my side job accounting program needed an update. I had emailed their IT (and cc'd side job boss) but never heard back last week. I was too busy dealing with my regular job IT issues to worry about it. I finally had time to get back to it yesterday and was about to email my side job boss to ask her about it again and decided to log in first and see - maybe they updated it and then just never told me. Apparently they did. I took my lunch break and got myself all caught up with their work. That was satisfying and happy I didn't have to try to contact their IT about it again.

In TMI - I've had this seborrheic keratosis spot on my back for awhile. It's right under my bra strap and hasn't been an issue until recently. It kept getting bigger and with it being under my bra strap it is getting irritated. I don't know much about them, but apparently they are totally harmless and common to get on your back when you get old, ha, and don't typically need to be removed. I couldn't find any home remedy, so planned to have my dr. look at it, either on my next annual visit next March, or sooner if it gets bigger, to get it removed. Then I remember I had some old prescription ointment I was prescribed one time for an eczema spot on my back. I still have a little bit left in the tube, so I started applying it at night about a week or so ago. It's helping a lot. It's getting smaller. I haven't been wearing my bra, because the couple of times I have worn it the past week or so, when I take it off at night, it snags and pulls some of it off. I think maybe a couple/few more days of the ointment and maybe it will come off and hopefully have enough of the ointment left to apply for another week. I know when I had the eczema spot I had to apply for 2 weeks and then it was gone. Keeping my fingers crossed this does the trick, at least until I go into my annual checkup and I can ask her about it, without having to go in sooner.

I had picked up a set of string lights for the new Christmas tree with my grocery order, but they substituted and I didn't realize the sub was "cool white" lights. That just didn't go with any of the other lights on everything else, so I ordered another set, from Lowe's, that came, so now I have to re-do the lights. I was going to have to take it all off and re-do it anyway, as I put the rows too close together and ran out before I got to the bottom.  DH said he'll find something else outside to use this cool white string set for.

I see our neighbors went all out and put some tiny sets of lights hanging on their 3 garage lights 😆. They usually don't put up ANY lights, so this is a big step! LOL. Our house/property lights can probably been seen from space, LOL.


  1. I think that is what I have on my back--dozens. They itch so I think I will go mad. So, the doctor takes off a few each time. I would use what you have because mine never go away! New ones come all the time. He thinks I don't like the look of them. Well, now that they are starting to come on my face, not only do they itch, they are something I don't want all over my face.
    Maybe you could take a picture of the lights for us to see.

    1. I have read that they are very common and harmless and also read it will likely come back. ugh. But, at least it is way better than it was. More of it came off yesterday. I know I posted a picture of our lights before, I'll find the post and the picture.
