Saturday, December 23, 2023

Saturday stuff

Let the 2 weeks off work begin! Wooohooo! I don' think I've ever taken 2 full weeks off before. 10 days, at the most and not very often with that. I got everything done to be prepared to be off. My boss also told me that after the first of the year she is putting assistant on probation, so hopefully that's the start of getting rid of him. He's been working remote from his parents place (he went to stay with them on break) and had told me he was going to work his 4 hours a day next Tues-Fri...well our office is closed, no one is working, even remotely, so my boss told him he can't work next week. Good. She told me she doesn't trust him to actually work, so she just told him sorry, no working next week since we are closed.

I see this morning I got the refund to my credit card for the bookcases, so that wasn't too long - 2 days. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all goes smooth with my new order. My library card catalog cabinet looks lonely by itself in that long hallway, LOL.

Later this morning, before lunch, we are going to run over to our friends and see their new place and drop off the little housewarming gift (a personalized snow globe). That's about all we have to do today. I'll likely do some bathroom cleaning and some laundry. I'm not sure what time we will go see my mom tomorrow - either right before lunch or just after, most likely. 

Well, now I just got a call from the m/c coordinator. My mom's feet are kind of swollen and she says it hurts to walk. She is going to give her some tylenol and keep her off her feet today and use a wheelchair to get her to meals. The nurse comes in later and she will see what she thinks and then put in a call to her doctor (the one that comes to see them in m/c) to see what she thinks. Mom does have a 4 month follow up appt with her doctor in less than 2 weeks, but if this keeps up, we may not want to wait that long. I think she'll see if staying off her feet for now will help. From what I gather, reading about it online, it's common in elderly and 70% of the time is not serious, just annoying. But, I'm sure a check out by her doctor can determine that one way or the other. 

I guess I'm ready for Christmas. Pretty easy since it will be a quiet one with just me and dh. I am making a turkey dinner with the fixings on Christmas Day.


  1. Enjoy your two weeks off; Merry Christmas! I laughed at your assistant being put on probation- uhhhh, ok! He really is going to lose a good thing - no one would micromanage him if he had been doing his work in the first place. I hope your mama is ok ♥️

  2. He is months late with probation. I wonder what she considers probation, probably has no consequences. Maybe there should be a three-month probation period. At least she is taking some action.

    For your mother's swollen legs, in my opinion--feet up, no tylenol, reduce sodium temporarily. Actually, walking helps with swelling in some cases. Of course, it could be something else entirely. I do know that walking facilitates the "body pump" reducing fluid retention. Body pump is muscular actions in the legs helping fluid return from legs. But, what do I know?
    Have a good holiday.
    Practical Parsimony

  3. I hope your mother finds some ease by resting up.
    Have a lovely Christmas break from work . Hopefully the assistant situation will be sorted once and for all in the New Year.
    A personalised snow globe is a really nice housewarming present! X
