Tuesday, December 26, 2023

An enjoyable day and dinner

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We had a good couple of days. I made some blueberry muffins for breakfast yesterday and got the turkey in the oven a little around 10:45 and we ate around 2:30. All was going good until I burned the marshmallows on top of the sweet potatoes, LOL. I just scraped the burned marshmallows off into the garbage and the rest of the sweet potatoes in brown sugar and butter tasted fine. Though I did stink up the kitchen a bit. Oops! 

I loved having my new Christmas dinner plates They are a nice large size and my green cloth napkins perfectly matched the green in the trees on the plate (not planned, haha!) DD facetimed wtih us in the morning, so that was nice. She messaged me a few times during the day. They had her husbands parents over and she made a nice ham dinner. While his parents live fairly near them, they stayed overnight with them last night. She is making that egg and sausage casserole I made over Thanksgiving, for their breakfast this morning.

The gift that came all the way from Istanbul, Turkey - it's some nice large metal artwork! We got it hung up yesterday in the bonus room. A bit of a challenge to put up! It is 2 pieces. We will be mounting that tv on the wall a bit higher, so it should look better once that is done.

The other cute gift dh got me was a canvas sign to hang above the door into the bonus room. It's like this (though not my picture, as I don't want to show our last name).

No plans today, other than I am doing some laundry. 

When we visited my mom, dh did ask one of the staff, as we were leaving, what happened to the lady in the room my mom shared a bathroom with. She said her family moved her out. We said oh, that's good, we were afraid she passed away. The staff girl said she heard they moved her because they thought she really didn't belong in memory care....If that's true, that's kind of weird....I mean, I don't know how long she lived there before my mom moved in, but if she didn't really need m/c when they moved her in, then why not just have her live in the assisted living part of the facility? Or why leave her in m/c for at least a year? Of course, it's none of our business - we were mostly just wondering if she had passed away and were happy to hear she had not.

I have $20 in Kohl's cash I need to use up. Grrr. LOL. I don't even know what to get, but don't want to just let $20 expire. I have until the 31st to use it and figure out what to buy. Maybe I'll just re-order those tennis shoes, that at some point I need to return the ones I got to the actual store. I would likely cost me at least $10 to ship them back, along with 20 miles round trip to the post office. 

I suppose I should make my way back downstairs to the kitchen to get myself some breakfast. My stomach is grumbling.


  1. I love the decor! Glad you had a restful day and a call from DD. Seems a shame that woman has been removed from the MC. Wonder if they just can't afford it :(

    1. I'm sure there is more to the story than the staff person knew. They did raise the rent, so it's a possibility they needed to find somewhere less expensive.

  2. I do love that metal artwork. It fits so well with where you live!

  3. I like the sign and metal art. It will be fun to see the room finished. That is strange about moving the woman out. I cannot stand marshmallows on sweet potatoes, so I would not miss them. I am glad the day was pleasant.
