Friday, December 8, 2023

All better

While my mom's phone was ringing again yesterday, I could never get a hold of her. Just before 4:30 I called m/c to ask how she's doing and they said she's doing great and all over Covid now. "She's sitting right here, do you want to talk to her?" Yes, thank you! So we chatted a couple minutes. She sounded good and no congestion. Thank God. I'm planning to go in and see again, soon.

I got the online order placed for the pool table. A rep from the company called me shortly after to let me know, due to my address, I'm considered "remote" (as I figured) and the closest authorized installer they have is 150 miles away, so it will cost more due to that. I said I figured it would and he said he has a call into the installer to find out how much more and should be able to let me know tomorrow. I said I was hoping you might have in installer in the city 45 miles from me, but he said they don't. He said all the installer they use have to get certified with them, due to the pool table quality being a 3 slate table. He said he maybe could find someone in our nearby city to get certified with them, but it would take like a month extra time. I said don't worry about it - even someone from there will want to charge extra to drive to where we are. Hopefully it won't be too outrageous of an extra charge.

We have some friends nearby that had been renting a house, but bought some property not too far from where they were living and had a brand new mfg home put on it and got moved in a few months ago. Dh had told him we'd stop by sometime to see their new place and with Covid and then Thanksgiving, we just haven't done it. We decided we should do this and also would be nice if we brought a little housewarming gift. So, I just ordered a cute snow globe that is personalized with their family name on it. It says on the base "There's snow place like home!" and their family name.

My passport arrived in the mail yesterday. That was pretty quick. I think I submitted it at the post office on Halloween. Now I just need my birth certificate back. I won't likely need it on our cruise, but better safe than sorry and if they gov't ever actually implements the REAL ID to fly domestically, I'll have my passport to use and won't have to get it on my drivers license.

I'm glad it's Friday, this week didn't seem to go by as fast as most of the weeks do.  I think I'm going to try this cookie recipe dd found. It's very similar ingredients to my Christmas sugar cookies, but less work, LOL.