Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Still no bookcases

Dh was able to figure out a little bit more on the tracking for the bookcases with the help of our UPS driver.  Dh gave him the tracking # and as I suspected the package was not even my name or address. It was a small .30 lb package for someone about 5 miles from us, left at their place. Somehow Walmart or the 3rd party seller, got that tracking# attached to my order. Our UPS guy said this was a delivery down at the RV place. They have a shed where all the packages are left and this is a picture from there. He did not drop off 4 bookcases, LOL. 

So, I got on the phone with a live Walmart agent. Pretty sure the guy was from India, but he sure was a sweetheart, LOL. He said he escalated the issue to their back off team and they will reach out to the seller and if the seller doesn't contact me within 24-48 hours, Walmart will refund me the money. He kept saying "don't worry, Walmart will refund you, if the seller doesn't respond or deliver it".  Still a bummer.  I've ordered from Walmart 3rd party sellers before with no issue. The library card cabinet was from a 3rd party seller and it came very quickly, just as described. I'm thinking this wrong tracking # that got attached to my order is Walmart's error. What are the odds that someone 5 miles from me would order something from the same 3rd party seller, for the seller to get the tracking mixed up....pretty sure this is something Walmart did, in error. But, why the seller is not contacting me or Walmart about our inquiries is also not promising, that I am going to end up getting my bookcases from them. That's too bad, because at the time I ordered I also got a 10% cash back from Rakuten, which I will end up not getting and to reorder I will not get the 10% cash back, as that deal is done. Reordering is going to cost me more for the bookcases.

My guess is the bookcases have never shipped yet. If they had shipped to my address, either via UPS or FedEx, even if they didn't get the tracking attached to my order, the shipment would show up when I log into my UPS and FedEx accounts to see what is on it's way to my address. There is nothing coming.

I tried to call my mom Monday, but it was either unplugged or off the hook. But, I tried again yesterday, at 11:10 and she answered. She sounded a little better/more awake than last time, but she's also just seeming to be very "unaware" and where she used to just be able to chit chat about general stuff and at least make a good attempt at conversation, she doesn't seem to know what to talk about now. I mentioned it was Christmas next week and she seemed to have no clue about it, or even to seem to remember what it was. Then as we were talking, staff knocked and opened her door to apparently some Christmas carolers who were going through the place to say hello to the residents and sing. They said hello to her and she back and then I heard them start singing and I said "oh, they are singing you Christmas songs!" She didn't seem to really know what they were singing. Sad :(  Plus, the past month she has no longer called me, like she was doing once or twice a week, on average.

I recently read that one of my favorite sci-fi book series is going to be made into a show on Apple+tv. I'm so excited. I'm sure it will be quite awhile before it's streamed, but I will definitely watch it. It's the Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells. It's about a sarcastic robot/part human that just wants to be left alone to watch soap operas, doesn't like people, but always ends up helping humans, LOL. 

I'm going to take tomorrow off work. I want to see my mom and I still need to give her a haircut! Visit before last, I left the scissors in the truck with dh and he went off to do shopping. Last visit was the day after Thanksgiving and I wasn't going to cut her hair with dh, dd and sil there. Plus we spent most of that visit trying to find her glasses. Then she got Covid. Plus, I need to get into our bank for some cash for dh. He wants $100 bills. We will be back in on Christmas eve, but the bank won't be open, of course. He will need to pay the guy who is restoring his old rifle and wants to have the cash on hand when it's ready. I think he also wants some of the cash so he can go order/pay for the flowers he always has delivered on our anniversary next month.

One of our manuf's for work sent everyone at the office some really cute little Christmas statues - one a Santa and one a snowman. My boss sent an email with the picture to let everyone know they were in the game room if anyone wanted to take one. I was just reading the email and thinking - oh! those are so cute! Wish I was in the office to get one, haha. Then my boss messaged me - do you want me to send you one of each? Yes, please :)

About a week and a half ago I mailed in a check to my mom's m/c place, to the attention of one of the administrators. It still hasn't cleared her bank account yet, so I just emailed the lady again, to ask if it was received. I'm getting tired of keeping track of things! 

And when I tried to log into work this morning, something had gotten changed with NetExtender, so I had to wait until our IT company was open, to call and have them fix it. I thought it strange this morning, when I get to my desk/computer and could see my computer had restarted during the night. Then I went to click on my NetExtender icon on my desktop to get logged into work and it's not there. Well, it was still on my desktop - just moved to a different spot....very weird. Then the login wouldn't work.


  1. I work for a lovely boss who makes a LOT of money ( near 300K per year) who has typically not done much for us for Christmas. One of our adjunct faculty (I work in higher education - adjunct is contract part time work) gave each staff member a $50 gift card! So then an assistant dean comes around with $25 gift cards for everyone. Another assistant dean comes around with $30 gift cards. So we have two days left to work to see if big boss does anything, lol.

    Funny story about contacting IT. I like to have NOTHING showing on my desktop. Icons make my chest hurt. I have certain things pinned to the task bar that I use every day. I had to contact IT to get something fixed, and when they logged into my computer, the guy freaked out a little bit because nothing was showing. He thought my computer was messed up and had erased everything.

    I'm sorry to read that your moms abilities have declined. Losing someone is so hard, whether it's quickly or slowly.

  2. It is too bad your mother has lost abilities and awareness. I know it makes you sad. I thought you cut her hair.
    Maybe you are correct about your bookcases. The 0.3 package was amusing when you ordered bookcases.
    I am so glad I don't have to deal with your issues with a computer and be dependent on others to fix it so I could work.

    1. it was confirmed by our UPS driver that the tracking# I was given is not a package addressed to me
