Friday, December 29, 2023

A change of plans

Yesterday turned out to be an unplanned excursion. I had emailed the pool table company to ask again what the status is on finding the installer and how much extra. He replied back fairly quickly with the installer changed his mind (I was never told he would do it?!) and isn't going to do it now. Something about this guy sells in our area so he doesn't want to install for them. I don't know. I'm sure it's just that he doesn't want to drive all the way over here. I was told I can either cancel the order with them or try to find an installer on my own that they can deliver the pool table to or have the installer pick up at the freight distribution center in the city.

Since we were going into the city to pick up groceries, we decided to get ready now and leave to stop at a billiards store first. Tell them our situation, see what they say, see if they or they know someone who would install it. It's a husband and wife who own this billiards store. Very nice, about our age. To make a long story short - we ended up purchasing a pool table from them. They explained the quality of the table we bought compared to the Brunswick and Olhausen tables they sell. Also a lifetime warranty on their tables. While the table we picked out isn't as neat looking as the first one I ordered, it's still very nice and rustic. It also comes with a pull out drawer underneath to store the accessories, so we won't need to get a wall rack. Also, they had just gotten one in stock, in the stain color we want. They are going to come install in on the 9th. Yay!

Of course, it's more expensive than the one we first ordered. I knew these tables would be more, which is why we didn't go there in the first place, LOL. But, by the time we'd find our own installer, we'd end up spending almost as much, for a lower quality table. And, since I got the bonus check, I was ok with spending more. Since we never got an answer on how much more would have been added to our cost to have the guy come install it from 150 miles away, it's hard to say exactly how much more this table is costing us...but I'm going to guess $1500 more, but likely not even that much. But, again, it's an Olhausen table, which is one of the best brands.

This is what it looks like

Still keeping in with the rustic/timber look we want. I emailed the guy with the first order back yesterday afternoon, after we got back and told him we decided we want to cancel the order and will figure out something else. I didn't tell him we bought one somewhere else. I haven't heard back yet with a confirmation on canceling and refunding my credit card, but hopefully he does that soon. I hope I don't have to deal with them being slow about it.

We spent almost 2 hours at the billiards store and were an hour late picking up our groceries. Then we stopped at the bank and got my bonus check deposited. Then a stop for a burrito and quesadilla at Taco Time, since it was 3pm and we were hungry. Dh had at least had a sandwich on the way into the city. I had just had a small fruit bar. So, this was basically our dinner, since neither of us was hungry by evening.

The bookcases I ordered (the 2nd time) shipped yesterday and are supposed to be here next Tuesday. So, things are falling into place now.


  1. The pull out drawer is amazing. When we relocated my Husband picked a pool table as his splurge item - I picked the drawer once I saw it was an option and I love it so much. It's so easy to keep everything contained and one less thing to dust! That is going to look great, especially with your new light!

    1. I never saw the pull out drawer option before and it sure does look amazing. Thanks for letting me know how much you like it - makes me glad we decided to get it included.

  2. I love the table you chose. So glad everything is working out for you now.

  3. Wow!!!
    That is a NICE table.
    Enjoy 😉
    Happy New Year!

  4. At least this table seems to be coming sooner. It is nice looking, too. I like getting problems solved easily.

  5. When it comes to deciding which large item to buy I always go by the maxim:
    "Buy the cheapest or the best"
    The best is usually the right one - your pool table looks great.
