Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Grocery gettin' day

It's going to be a warm one today - 50 degrees. It was 40 when I got up. Not our typical December temps. I got my Walmart grocery order placed last night and going to take a long lunch break (plus I logged into work a half hour early this morning) and go pick up. DH gets to try out his handy dandy new collapsible bins for the grocery bags. I'll be stocked up again. I'm hoping we won't need to go again until I'm off the week after Christmas.  Then I'll have any time available to go and not have to work around job and weekend time.

This week already feels like it should be farther along than Tuesday, for some reason. My work files issue still isn't fixed. The IT guy spent over an hour working on it, so I couldn't do any work while he was trying to figure that out. So, I sat at my desk (with my phone on speaker in case he needed to tell me something) and watched a show on my ipad with my earbud in one ear. I have no idea how the "talk" my boss said she was having with the assistant, but it obviously didn't result in firing him. Again, I had to go through (per her request) yesterday to see what work he got done. Not much. He did about 30 minutes of work for 2 hours. I'm not really understanding why she even bothers to keep asking me anymore....

I think I'll wait and finish this post after I get back from picking up groceries----

Ok, I didn't get time to finish this post this morning before I started work. Then it was time to leave for our groceries. Just before we left I tried to call my mom again...........and now her phone is unplugged....again....I give up.

A nice warm, dry day for a drive. I got the email that Walmart was out of one thing I ordered. We had to stop at the other grocery store anyway for the hamburger patties, so I got the out of stock item there. And they were out of the hamburger patties, again. I just decided to try the higher fat ones, in the same brand. I think our new crates to put the grocery bags in worked well. DH was able to carry the whole crate into the kitchen, rather than trying to hold onto a bunch of bags. We then stopped to fill up with gas and got back home.  We were gone a little over 2 hours. Pull in our driveway to neighbors dog running around our yard. Because you know, apparently asking them nicely several times not to not let their dog run loose (and crap in our yard, of course) is too much to ask.

I missed a call from our IT guy while I was out for the lunch break, so I called him when I got back to my desk. Then he was on my computer for about a half hour, still trying to fix the issue. This is now been passed onto their top IT guy, and he's still working on it. Assistant didn't work his scheduled 2 hours today, nor did he let us know he wasn't working. Why should he? It's not like he's going to get fired or anything 😆

Then I got all the groceries put away, except I still need to put the bread out in the freezer. I see that 3 of the loaves I bought last trip are half smushed, because dh tried to think he knows best and rearranged the freezer and put other things on top of the not yet frozen bread. So, once I need those loaves, I'm sure I won't be able to use many of the slices for his sandwiches. Guess the chickens get a treat. Speaking of the chickens, these girls have apparently gone on strike and I haven't seen an egg for like 2 weeks now.

I feel like I really need a nap now. I think dinner tonight will be chicken burgers. I bought some more of those brioche buns we had when dd was here. 

I have tried 3 emails to find out more about my mom's place's gift giving deal for the employees. I had read some little blurb in the monthly meeting (for the whole place, not just m/c) that they are still doing where the residents can contribute to a Christmas fund that will then be distributed to all the employees. This was like the end of October or so. Last week I sent an email to the m/c cooridinator asking about it and how I go about doing that? She forwarded the email to the main administrator and she replied the next day that said yes, they can take checks made out to the facility. I then replied is there someone's attention or dept I should send it to? No reply. This was last week. So I tried again today and no reply. How hard is it to answer the question? Ya want some more Christmas bonus money or not?!

I bought some more eggnog. It was good to have my eggnog fix again. I haven't had any since Thanksgiving.


  1. Oh the joys of picking up other people's dog crap in your yard!!! I keep a bucket and shovel specifically for it (and now I seem to have a dog that likes to crap on my front patch of grass too)!

    1. dh has a shovel especially for it and then just walks it over to our garbage can and drops it in there.

  2. No comment on that assistant! As for the bonus for the m/c employees - I am so glad you can contribute to that for them. It is a tough job. I too, hate when dogs poop on our lawn - we don't pick it up - our neighbours got into an argument with a guy that let his dog poop on our lawn though - I appreciated it!

    1. If dh doesn't pick it up, the neighbors (who live down at the end of the street (3 vacant lots between us) sure aren't going to do it. Dh said yesterday that almost for as long as he can remember now he's been shoveling up dog poop, (they had dogs as a kid) - even when he doesn't have a dog. Did the guy stop letting his dog poop on your lawn after the neighbors confronted them?

  3. Our neighbour's has killed so much of our poultry, I would gladly just shovel the poop they leave. It's so very frustrating!

    1. In the state I live it's lawful to shoot a dog, that comes onto your property and goes after livestock - including chickens. Thankfully the dog can't get to my chickens (not that dh would ever shoot a dog) but the neighbors are lucky their dog only stays in our neighborhood - other's down the road a mile have free roaming chickens and might not take kindly to it. There is a guy over on the other side of our town that recently shot his neighbors dog, who was constantly being let run loose and coming over to chase his chickens.
