Saturday, December 9, 2023

Bring on the weekend

Yesterday mid morning my phone rings and I see it's the m/c. That's never good when they call, is it? Well, nothing too serious, but mom took a little fall. I guess she was sitting on the edge of her bed, putting her shoes on and she fell down onto the floor. Didn't appear to be hurt, but of course, they would keep an eye on her. No more calls after that and no news is good news with m/c.

Then right after that our landline rings and it's Mrs. Neighbor. This was too funny. She says we just wanted to make sure everything is ok with you always have your Christmas lights on in your house all night and they weren't on last night. We were worried something was wrong! I said oh! No, I just decided maybe it would be smarter to start turning them all off at night and maybe make the lights last longer, because I have no idea how I'm going to re-light a 12 foot tree when all the lights end up not working someday! LOL. We had a good laugh. They can see the lights from their side windows into our side windows. I did turn them off again last night when I went to bed, but turned them back on right when I got up at 7 this morning.

I have a new reindeer. I had been eyeing this since last Christmas, but didn't buy it then. I decided to order it when I came across it in my bookmarks of things for the house and still loved it. It arrived with the tail broken off, but dh used some wood glue and clamps and pretty much good as new again. It's made of mango wood. I wish there were another one in a different size/pose to go with it.

The pool table light arrived yesterday. Boy that was fast once it got to NY (it was only in customs one day). So, it was coming USPS. I get a notification that a package was attempted delivery, required a signature, but no one was available, so a note was left inside our mailbox. What? We are right here! DH goes to the mailbox a few minutes later and sure enough. Hey mailman! How about you drive 2 houses down our street and see if we are home to sign for it?! Geez! We knew the mail carrier had dropped it off very recently and then about half hour or so later passes our street heading back after he delivers to all the houses down a few more miles. DH went out there and waited at our street corner/mailboxes for him to drive by again, LOL. Finally he did and dh waved him down and said he wanted our package, so we didn't have to drive 20 miles RT to get it at the post office. Good on dh. He got it. 

It took him awhile to get it installed. Mostly I think it was just him - he's never been very handy with electrical stuff. I'll take a picture of it when we get the pool table installed, which I did not hear back about yesterday. The chain it hangs on is a bit "wimpy". We may decide to get a bigger chain. We took the light that had been installed in the center of the room and put it in place of the "boob" light that was over where the table is. It's a little fancier than the plain boob light.

I'm going to try the new cookie recipe today. I took some butter out of the fridge this morning to start softening. I also see it looks like I will have a banana or two to make some banana bread tomorrow and I'm definitely going to be adding applesauce to it again.

I think I finally found some new Christmas dinner plates I like. I've been wanting some for a couple years, but either not finding something I love, or the price is too high. In a round about way I found a set. I had earned $10 JC Penney rewards. I was looking for something to maybe purchase (though not likely, since need to spend $49 for free shipping) and came across the plates. Reg. $120 for $84. Still pretty pricey but $10 off plus 10% off...then I decided to google the plate set and see if it cheaper somewhere else. Ya, just about everywhere else, LOL. Amazon at $45. Kohl's was at $70 AND I have $10 Kohl's cash, a 40% coupon code I got in an email and another $10 off, so a total of $40 off, bringing them down to $30 for the set. Now I need to decide if I want to go ahead and pay the $8.95 shipping, bringing the total to $$38.94, or spend another $19.01 on something to add to the cart and get free shipping. I'll let it sit for awhile today, while I decide. These are the plates

I want something that looks "rustic" and Christmas, but not really finding anything. I really don't know what that would look like, I'd just know it when I see it, LOL. DD wants my old set of 4 plates. I really wanted a set of 6, but that is hard to find, it's usually 4. When we had dd, sil, and my mom here, I needed 5 plates for Christmas dinner. Now I really only need 4, and not likely we'll ever have more than 4 again now....unless we ever get a grandkid....


  1. I'm so sorry to hear your mom took a fall. I do hope she is ok and isn't too sore. I love your new plates! Love the colors in it!

  2. I love those new plates too. Mine are starting to look very tired (in my eyes anyway). Your story about your Christmas lights made me laugh because one time a neighbour rang the doorbell at my parents' house to ask if everything was ok as they could hear the fire alarm going. Dad said not to worry - it's just that his wife was cooking!
