Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Delayed again

I think I am just destined to not get a passport, LOL. Per the post office passport info for the office in the city, the "walk-in" hours were basically all day, other than an hour lunch time. I get there and there is a sign that says "no walk-ins today, all appointment times are booked". Well, C.R.A.P.  LOL. Who would have thunk there are that many people in this small city getting a passport every 15 minutes? 

I had tried to get a passport about a year and a half ago, as dd and I had wanted to drive up to Canada to see my half sister and her family. I had gone to Walgreens for the photos. Then made an appointment at the library as I could do it on a weekend day that I went to visit my mom. I get there for the appointment only to be told that my picture wasn't acceptable (damn white hair) and they didn't do photos there. So, I did not have time that week to get the photo retaken, nor make another appointment as I had to go over to work for a meeting mid week. So, while at DD's that next weekend, we stopped at a place and I got a new photo. Get back home and the next week, in chatting with sis, realize that Canada was only allowing Covid vaccinated people into the county, at that time. So, I never pursued applying for the passport.

Anyway, we at least were able to stop and pick up dh's order, then stop at our HVAC's place and get the filters and some other part dh needed. It was only like 3:15 or so but we were both really hungry, for some reason. Plus, I was grumbly about the passport. We stopped at Walmart and got the groceries and then decided to swing through Taco Time, as by then we were really hungry. In our hunger we totally forgot to stop at the bank, haha. Drove right by it. Oh well, it wasn't that important, just a want. DH had used a $100 bill from his wallet awhile back and wanted to replace it and wanted a hundred dollar bill again, not 20's from the ATM.

My mom's new clothes are supposed to be here UPS tomorrow, and I want to get those into her asap, so I decided I'll take off time again on Friday to make an appointment at the post office and then stop and drop off her clothes. I get online to make the appointment and there is only one appointment slot available at 1pm. Again, who would have thunk there are that many people getting a passport every day? LOL. Or they really don't book that many time slots a day and just block them out....because for tomorrow almost every single time slot is available...I have a feeling this is the case as I just checked if there are any times tomorrow and almost every time slot is available except a couple and for Friday it's all filled? Seems odd. DH said we should just go to the small town an hour north of us that has a post office that processes the applications, but I said no, because I still have to go into the city anyway to take my mom her clothes, so might as well do it on the same trip.

And getting my mom her stuff on Friday, I then won't have to go in this weekend, which will be nice. I shouldn't have to go back to the city for a couple weeks, when I will go see her again and get restocked with groceries and the Thanksgiving and Christmas frozen turkeys purchased.  Or maybe I'll just take the time on Friday to go inside Walmart and just get my 2 turkeys. They show them in stock. I'm pretty sure I want to get the Jennie-O turkeys, to try that gravy packet again. And at .98/lb, it seems a decent price and not likely to change at Walmart. It appears the other grocery store I shop at for some things might also be carrying this brand of turkey, but they just haven't stocked yet and aren't showing pricing, yet all their other turkey brands they do have are at least twice as expensive, though likely to go on sale. 

Well, through the magic of google searching I found the sale ad for last year's turkeys and this store had the Jennie-O frozen turkeys at $2.49/lb, so I doubt they will be any cheaper this year, so I will just go ahead and get it at Walmart for .98/lb.

I still can't get logged into my side job VPN, so I just emailed about it. Hopefully, it won't take too long for someone from their IT to contact me and resolve it. 

We didn't get the 2 neighbor kids trick or treating last night. When we were pulling into our street the 1st grader had just gotten off the bus so we stopped and said hello. He was Batman and had 2 big bags of candy. One for himself and one for his little sister. He said they were goig to go trick or treating in the city. He even named the neighborhood, LOL. (of course nice expensive homes). Crazy to drive almost an hour each way to go trick or treating. I'm sure there were plenty of houses along our main street in town that give out candy. So, I guess we're eating the bowl of candy ;)  DH thought for sure they'd stop by, as usual, but I didn't think so. She's still too annoyed that we expect her to keep her dog on her property and not running through while our driveway is being sealed. Also, she likely knows that Mrs. Neighbor isn't home to hand out candy this year. She flew down to see her son and family.

I was messaging my boss about the passport and having to go back in on Friday. I told her even though our trip isn't until next Sept, I just want to get it done, otherwise I know me and I'll keep procrastinating it off another month and another month and then I'll be rushing to try to get it. She replied I have NEVER known you to procrastinate anything! I said for work, I don't, but for some reason I always do in my personal life, LOL.


  1. I think you're right, they're booking a limited amount and blocking out the rest - quite annoying. I am glad you have all the extra vacation time to run errands etc though, at least that part is easy!

    1. yes, it is good it's easy for me to take off, if needed.

  2. How is your boss doing? I think you mentioned that her husband passed away unexpectedly.

    1. She's doing ok. Just seems to be keeping busy with work

  3. When I was applying for my green card I had a photo with me when I went to the US Embassy in Berne. When I got there they didn't like the photo because it didn't show my ear, so we dashed back off into Berne and got more photos. Got back to the Embassy and they didn't like THIS photo (can't remember why), so back into Berne we went for another set - which turned out to be acceptable to them. We moved to the States about two months later and when my green card finally came through it had the original "no ear" photo on it!!!!!

  4. As an irish woman living outside of Ireland I've had a passport for years.
    Yes they do require so much of a photo - white background, glasses off, no hint of a smile!

    1. I wear glasses, so it is strange to take them off and be half blind in the picture, haha.

  5. We're waiting for turkeys to go on sale more, while I'm not hosting Thanksgiving/Christmas, I've never cooked one and am looking forward to learning how. I think right now they are all still normal price, but last year went as low as .49 cents/lb at Kroger! I enjoy this time for grocery shopping because it means canned veggies and stuffing mixes go on extreme sale.

    1. It is a good time to stock up on canned goods and baking supplies. Turkeys are really super easy to cook! Just remember to take the stuff out inside first, LOL. Wash it off, rub a little oil on it, stick it in a roasting pan at 325 degrees and cook it for how long the instructions say, per weight. I usually make the stuffing and do stuff my bird, but they listed the adjusted time for that. The rest of the stuffing I just heat up with the other side dishes just after taking the turkey out of the oven. It sits and cools down some while the side dishes are heating. The turkey is the easy part for me, it's all the side dishes that take coordinating to be done at the right time.

    2. I'm letting my partner handle all the inside bits lol. He's worked in a deli and had to do it a ton, and I'm way more squeamish about it. I love the side dishes, I think I'm making homemade rolls this year, since I'm the family bread baker.
