Saturday, November 18, 2023

Simple Saturday stuff

I got what I wanted to get done with work, before being off a week, by early afternoon yesterday, so that was helpful to my mood. That made the rest of the afternoon go smoothly and nothing rushed to try to get done before I'm off. I spent a little time putting some work in the shared folder for the assistant, so if he does work next week, there will be plenty for him to do. I set my out of office and signed out at 4:30 on the dot. 

I've got my daily to-do list/reminders on paper. Mostly the reminder to take the turkey out of the freezer and move to the fridge on Sunday morning. Always fun trying to make room in the fridge for a big turkey and try to have a fridge full of food getting ready for guests, LOL. But, it always gets done. I did finally get smart last year, and put the turkey in a deeper pan to thaw. I always put in on a baking tray with the low sides...and every dang time, some juices come out while thawing and as I'm trying to carefully lift the heavy turkey out the juices spill out into the fridge, on the floor....Why it took me all these years to get smarter about it, I have no idea. But of course, last year, I pull out the deep pan the turkey defrosted in and not one drop of juice was in it, LOL.

Not too much housecleaning is needed to prepare for guests (dd and sil). Just the usual cleaning, which I'll have plenty of time before they get here Wednesday. Other than my desk top (LOL) my house is never messy or cluttered, so I will just need to dust, vacuum, and mop.

I was looking at my AmEx account/card online and they were offering an upgrade to a different card. Sounded good with the benefits/rewards, until I got down to the bottom fine print. Nope, not paying $95/yr (after the first year) to have the card. No thank you. I've actually been considering just to close the card, so I think I will do that. I don't use it anymore. I'm also planning to cancel my Target credit card.

Well, dh had another late night talking on the phone with his buddy, so he's still sleeping. I'm going to go get the dusting stuff and do the dusting upstairs. That's quiet work :)


  1. Tommy was fretting and complaining that there was no room in the refrigerator for the free turkey. Well, i just put it in a deep pot. He commented that it took up much less room than the flatter pan. Yes, a deeper flat pan is so much better than a shallow one for thawing a turkey!
