Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Still up early

Anyone else having trouble adjusting to the time change? I'm still awaking at 6am and don't need to get up until 7. I managed to stay in bed until 6:40 this morning. I'm doing ok with the bedtime adjustment, just not with the morning adjustment yet. 

Ya! Dh's computer viewing has worked great now since I changed the browser. Phone company tech support still hasn't called me about the ticket that got put in. There is supposed to be an option online to manage your tickets with them, but while I see the ticket, it won't let me cancel it. I guess I really didn't need to upgrade our internet speed, but we were at the lowest speed and even upgrading we are still at a low speed. It's certainly not considered high speed internet here, LOL.

I did get a call yesterday afternoon from side job's IT help and he fixed whatever the issue was quickly and I'm back in. But, by afternoon I was tired and past my lunch break to take any time to work on their stuff. I'll get started on it today. At least I was able to log in and get my monthly check printed out and deposited into my bank - a week late.

My Facebook memory from 9 years ago is a post with a picture of some red velvet and cream cheese bars that dd wanted me to try to make for her birthday, LOL. Still Red Velvet I see, haha. I don't know if I made them back then or not, I'm sure I did, but my comment on the post was this looks like it's going to be a Pinterest fail. When the kids were growing up, my tradition was I always let them pick out what they wanted me to make them for their birthday dinner. I wonder what she will pick out. (it has to be from something I normally make)

DH mentioned he might go out today to take care of a long wanted "project", I guess might be the word. When he and his younger (by 15 months) brother were kids his dad got each of them a rifle, with a scope. DH's had a dark colored wood stock and his brothers was a light colored. For some reason, after he grew up and moved out, dh left the rifle at his parents. Years later dh's brother "borrowed" it from their dad, so he could take his son hunting and never returned it.  After we got moved over here, and he was trying to reconnect with his brother, dh asked him if he still had dh's rifle. Brother was still taking any opportunity he could find to hurt and put down dh and he told dh that nope, he sold it. Dh said oh, sold mine, the dark colored one, right? and turns out brother sold (if he even really did) his own light colored rifle and not dh's dark colored stock rifle, LOL. Brother didn't even remember who's rifle was who's. DH just said "oh, well mine was the dark colored stock". Brother did at least tell him he would give him the rifle back and he did. Much the worse for wear, so dh has been wanting to have it restored and resighted (I guess that is the proper terminology) and there is a guy about an hour from us, who has been recommended to dh, who does this. DH is thinking of driving up there today and dropping the rifle off with the guy to be fixed back up to looking nice and in good working order.

My checks for the passports have cleared and the application and renewal are now in the process. Supposedly taking a couple of months, at this time, for processing.


  1. I am definitely surprised to see the sun when I wake up, typically I am up before my alarm by a few mins or sometimes an hour :/! I am glad that your passport application has gone well so far too. And love that DH has a project to keep him occupied!

  2. The light makes me wake up about an hour earlier too, which I like...makes me feel as if I get more done. I especially liked it when I was driving kids to school for a 7:40 first bell, (6:40 for the kid who played basketball in middle school.) It was hard to get them moving in the morning when it was dark.

  3. It doesn't even really get light here until like 7:30am! It's always something I've had to get used to. I think it's a combination of we are right at the beginning of the mountain time zone and it takes extra time for that sun to come up over the mountains we are at the base of.

  4. My aunt, and sadly also my sister (who I no longer have anything to do with - easy, she lives in Denmark) were also spiteful like this. I don't know why, but I reckon it was probably jealousy. They both seem(ed) to be jealous of everyone and everything, even when there was no reason to be. Sucks to be them!

    1. We came to the conclusion that dh's younger brother does apparently have some long seated jealousy from childhood going on. Dh honestly tried to get to the bottom of it with him, as any conversation they would have was brother always talking (negatively) about the past. DH asked him what he did...what can he apologize for? He even said he hated dh growing up (and likely still) because he was tall! DH just said you know what - I'm not going to apologize over something I have absolutely no control over and finally gave up on his brother and his patheticness. (I think I just made up that word).
