Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving

The kids arrived at 1:20 yesterday and had an easy drive over the 3 mountain passes, no snow. It should be the same going back.

I was busy up until around noon. Got the pumpkin pie made and the cake frosting made and then the frozen cake frosted. It is easier to frost frozen, that's for sure. My back was hurting quite a bit by noon, so I took a short nap.

The red velvet cake is really really good! Picky dh even liked it. Very moist and not like a box cake much at all. The cream cheese frosting was very good, as well.

She loved her gifts, especially the Highland cows puzzle. She sent a picture of it to her friend they went to Scotland with and her friend replied just as dd thought she would "oh that is a perfect gift! When you decide to start it can I come over to help you? I'll bring wine!" LOL. I also got her a book set of the Outlander book series she wants to read and a coffee mug that has her name and "World's best daughter" on it (an inside joke with her). From my mom (who I know would of course get her something if she could/remembered) I got her an Amazon gift card.

I think I'm ready for turkey cooking and eating today. My list sure has helped. 

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Glad she had a wonderful birthday! Hope you guys have a terrific Thanksgiving as well!

    1. Thank you! I hope yours was wonderful, as well :)

  2. I knew the cake would be perfect!
    Happy Thanksgiving to all :)

    1. It was better than I thought it would be. Wish I was good at frosting/decorating

  3. You are a good mom. The puzzle is perfect, especially because she has been to Scotland and the Outlander series will keep her busy for a few months. I've read the entire series and have been thinking about re-reading it this winter. I never liked the televised version. The characters (actors) although lovely, just weren't relatable enough for me after having been absorbed by the books. The visual I had of the characters in the book were significantly different than the actors in the televised version. It has been about 8 years since we were in Scotland, and I wish we could go back. The cake sounds wonderful. Happy Thanksgiving! Ranee (MN)

    1. She wanted to start the puzzle and do it while here, haha, but she said no she'll wait for her friend. I loved that book series. I liked the show well enough, and while the actor that plays Jamie is very good, he's just not really how I pictured him either. I haven't watched the latest season (or two) and apparently there is another book for it I haven't read.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! The cake looks perfect; you did a fantastic job on that. I’m so happy your daughter is there. Have a wonderful visit. All the best, Ginger

  5. I love red velvet cake. The picture makes my mouth water. I want a puzzle for us to work. Tommy would probably like cows. His ancestors are from Scotland, so maybe something from there would work.
