Thursday, November 16, 2023

To catch a thief (or liar)

OMG - this assistant is just unbelievable - a slick one. He's using an excuse that my boss really has no way to prove he's now what does she do? She asked him for specifics on what he worked on Sunday. He said he entered all the invoices from this one mfg report and worked on some payments. She replied, there is nothing in the system from Sunday at all. He then replied oh gosh, you are right. I'm not seeing any of the invoices I added either! I don't know what happened, but I swear I entered them all. 

B.S!!!!! This has never ever happened before. I can't tell you how many invoices I have added over the years and our receptionist adds most of them (while she's waiting for phone to ring, haha)  and she has added way more than I ever have over the years and not once has any we input just mysteriously disappeared. Basically, my boss is left with accepting his story or calling him a liar - which she can't really prove either way.

I just emailed her this morning saying I think his story is BS and there is no way he entered approximately 135 invoices from this one big report and not a single one of the invoices posted. I also detailed out to her why I think he is lying about the payments he says he posted, though he was very vague in his reply regarding the payments, so I told she should ask for more details, because what he says is likely not to match up with reality.

I was feeling pretty defeated and disgusted and then my boss just messaged me with screenshots of pages from the report he said he entered on Sunday. She was seeing, in our system, that he had already entered all these back on 10/13! When I had looked at the report he said he entered, I only looked up the first couple of invoices on page 1...that were not in the system, so I assumed nothing from the report was in the system. I didn't look further. Boss delved further into the report and realized other than the first few it all got entered already. I looked and sure enough, she was right! He started entering the invoices from this report on 10/12 and finished up on 10/13. 

So, we now have our proof that he lied. He did not enter all of these on Sunday and they somehow mysteriously aren't showing up when we run the report for invoices entered on Sunday. I'm waiting to hear back from boss, but assuming that is the final nail in the coffin for him. It better be!

Stay tuned.....


  1. I am at the edge of my seat waiting for the resolution to this! If I ate popcorn, it would be popped, buttered, and in my hands! LOL

  2. I can just heard my son in all his wide-eyed, childish innocence swearing he did it already. Nailed! So, he got busy and entered all this but no when he said?

    1. Correct, he entered it all a month ago, not Sunday!

  3. Wow. He got a second chance and just blew it completely. He will be learning the hard way.

    1. This is about his 3rd or 4th chance. I've lost count :(

    2. omg I just remember the first time you guys caught him lying :/ but jeeze. What a waste of your time - it could have gone to someone truly deserving.

    3. yes, it could have gone to someone much more deserving and also would have been a great job for someone studying accounting or just starting out in accounting....not this guy (who isn't)

  4. This is better than any show I've watched in months, the drama! lol, loving it - dumb that it even had to get to this but happy to see the lies exposed for sure. What a waste of everyone's time!

  5. Wow!
    What a con he is.
