Sunday, November 5, 2023

Just stuff (because I can't think of a title)

Daylight savings time. I tried to sleep in. I ended up splitting the difference and getting up at 6:30. It'll take a few days, at least, to adjust. Plus Amos was standing on his hind legs looking at me eye level and tapping me with a paw to get up.

I did vacuum the main floor yesterday, as well as dh pulled out the refrigerator to vacuum and clean behind it. Oh boy, did that need it. Mostly clumps of long black dog fur in the back. That dog shed so bad and while I loved him to death, I will never get another dog like that again. 

The vehicles (most of them have been contractor/construction type pickups) coming into our neighborhood and stopping in front of DAN's lots has kept happening every so often. Sometimes it's just a car. We can't find that he has listed the lots for sale, but dh was thinking maybe he's just trying on his own to market it to builders. Yesterday afternoon DAN and another car came in at the same time and were in front of his property for 5 minutes and then both left. DAN headed towards town, the car headed the opposite direction towards the city. DH said this car was here by itself a couple weeks ago, too. We are still wondering what he will do, haha. DH speculation is he just finalized the sale to the guy in the car. My speculation is it's a realtor and no builder/contractor bought it up, he's now going to list it.....Obviously, something is going on, but either way, or no way, winter is upon us, so we won't have to see much, if anything, of DAN for the next 5 months or so.

I've been binge watching a show on Amazon Prime and yesterday realized I could download episodes to my ipad and then while I'm watching them, I'm not using up a bunch of our low internet speed, while dh is also trying to watch stuff and surf the internet. So, right now, while he's asleep and not using the computer, I'm downloading the next season :).  Then I can watch the episodes offline and not affect anything. 

My dd's husband is a car guy and one that likes to change his vehicles fairly often, LOL. But, he mostly buys used. DD's car is new (same car as I got), but the rest of their vehicles are used. Well, apparently while washing his white F-150 he noticed the paint all peeling off the top of the cab. His neighbor also has a white Ford truck and his is doing the same. So, SIL called up his family friend, who owns a Ford dealership and traded the truck in for a used Ford Raptor, LOL. Bright red and sporty looking. 

I just got my breakfast and the milk isn't as cold - I now remember dh messed with the refrigerator settings for some reason yesterday and then he couldn't remember what temp it was set at and set it at 38. Obviously it needs to be lower. I just went to lower the temp setting and was going to try 37, but apparently it only does it in 2 degree increments, so now it's 36. That's probably what it was set at before. I'll have to ask dh if he messed with the freezer setting as well, or just the fridge.

I didn't bake anything yesterday. DH totally slept in yesterday and by the time he got up and I could start making noise cleaning and get the sheets off the bed to wash and the time I got done vacuuming and remaking the bed and such, it was mid afternoon and I was tired. Maybe today....but then I tell myself we really do not need the extra calories from having cake and ice cream all week, LOL. Especially after all the Halloween candy we managed to eat.


  1. Not to be a stickler, but we are not in Daylight Savings Time now. We just went off Daylight Savings Time, and we are back to Standard Time. I prefer Standard Time, actually, because I like it light in the morning. I don't mind it getting dark when it's supposed to get dark. I remember being told, in 1973, in an elementary school assembly, when Nixon implemented Daylight Savings time year-round in the midst of the oil crisis, that Daylight Savings was started for the farmers, but now we were doing it through winter to save energy--less lights needing to go on in the afternoon in the schools/offices/mills. But, of course, we needed those very lights on in the morning. (I remember walking to school in the dark in those years.) At that same assembly, we were all given placards to tuck behind light switches, which had reminders to turn off lights as we left a room. Sometime later, (I seem to think in a college course) I read an essay suggesting that Daylight Savings Time was implemented to trick the worker into thinking he had more time off in the afternoon than he really did. In any case, I have three clocks left to change--one is an Atomic Clock which is SUPPSED to change itself, but never does. DH wants me to tell him how to change it, but I can't. I really just press random buttons until it changes!

    1. I always forget which way is DST and which way is regular. I probably should have just referred to it as time change :) I'm with you, I like it lighter in the morning, too. I'm up, I want to see, haha.
