Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Assistant and a mystery charge

The assistant saga got a bit more interesting yesterday. About 45 min after he didn't log in for his Tuesday work time, my boss texted him. He called her right back. Here's his "story" so far. He got Covid and missed classes and work and is now trying to get caught back up with his classes. Boss told him that's no excuse for not communicating that you weren't going to be able to work. Of course he apologized profusely, with his sweet demeanor. Then boss asked him what he worked on Sunday for 5.25 hours because neither One or the other dept he does some small tasks for every so often can see that any work was done. He told her he was working on adding invoices and she told him she wants specifics - from what reports....what manufacturers? He said he just got out of class (this was 11:15am) and would need to get back to his work computer at home to get the details for her. Yes, you do that.

First off, with our system I can see all invoices entered into our order system, by date, by user, by time entered. There is absolutely nothing entered by him on Sunday. The last time he entered an invoice was the last day he clocked in, Monday 11/6. I screenshot this info to my boss. I said unless you can see something more that I am not, he did not enter invoices on Sunday. 

Secondly, if his work schedule on Tuesdays is 10:30 to 12:30 - how is he working at 10:30 every Tuesday if he has a class (that he supposedly just got out of?) until 11'ish? My boss said this same thought crossed her mind, too. I'm sure the Covid excuse is just a lie, as well. And what job in this universe is it ok to be out sick (for days) and not let your boss know? Even a part time job. And he apparently didn't get back in contact with my boss yesterday afternoon, after he got back home from school, to tell her what he worked on for Sunday. I'm sure he's scrambling to try to figure out a way to show some work....So far, as of this morning he has not contacted her back to give her the work info. Boss did say this morning she's 99% sure he's done.

I spent my "me time" hour before I started work this morning, figuring out a $5.16 charge to my checking account! It said it was a CapOne cc payment of $5.16. I hadn't made that payment. I do have a CapOne Walmart cc, but made no payments for that amount. My Kohl's card also recently got converted to a CapOne type card, but nothing on that either. I've never seen fraud that is a cc payment before. Then I remembered I have a CapOne card in dh's name that I opened for him years ago, just to get him some credit back in his name. But, haven't used it in years. I got online with that card and sure enough there is the $5.16 payment. I had to go back to the previous statement to see the charge - to Amazon. Ok, that helps. I have a bunch of payment methods on my Amazon account as well as on the Prime account I share with dd, and this card it still on both. I kept looking through order history on both and wasn't finding anything for that amount, charged on Oct 6.

I went back to the CapOne account online and saw they actually have a link with the transaction to view the order receipt w/Amazon. Well, that's handy. It took me to an order dd had done to purchase some cheap jeans, that she returned. But it shows the order was charged to her cc. So strange. The $5.16 is the amount of one pair of jeans, with sales tax. I messaged dd to ask her. We think we figured out what happened. She returned the jeans, they went on their trip and during the trip got notification their cc was hacked. At the same time she got a notification from Amazon that one of the pairs of jeans was not received back, so they recharged her card - only that card wouldn't work, now of course, so it must have went to the next card # on file, which was dh's card. Just glad to have it figured out and that it wasn't fraud. AND since we haven't used that cc in forever, I'm also glad I apparently had it set up on auto pay! otherwise I wouldn't have known the charge was there until it was late. Also, thankful it wasn't a large amount!


  1. Oh boy, that guy is a real POS. He should have been gone months ago. She’s not doing him any favors by allowing him to think it’s ok to do any of this. Theft of time is taken very seriously by most employers. My kids all worked while in college and I don’t remember them ever missing work because of school, let alone just not showing up. That right there is grounds for immediate termination. I would have gotten rid of him after the second infraction-warn him the first time, fire him the next.


  2. From the first time you wrote about him, I thought, "This is not going to end well. He is not going to get better." He got away with so much right off the bat.

    What a sleuth you had to be! And such a convoluted way that it ended up on your card. Glad you figured it out.

  3. I knew from the first infraction that he was living a charmed, but short life at work. She is so patient that he thinks she is a pushover. He needed to learn from the beginning that this was a real job. I suppose I am evil for hoping he gets canned. I bet he bragged to people how he did no work and got paid. His kind would.
    I had a charge on Amazon that I could not figure out. We both have several CCs on the list. It was one of those.

  4. You did right to query that small credit card amount as that's how scammers usually start out, apparently, charging a small amount to see if it will pass. And your young assistant is a fool to mess up on such a gem of a job! Hopefully he'll learn in the future!

  5. Your assistant as everyone has noted, is messing up a good thing. Someone truly deserving needed that position, but alas!
