Saturday, November 11, 2023

28 years ago

Gradually, I'm sleeping a bit later. Made it to 6:40 this morning, LOL. The cat was doing "zoomies" upstairs right about then. He will race back and forth a couple of times from one end of the house to the other...very loudly LOL. He is the loudest cat ever. He comes down the wood stairs louder than me!

I need to do some laundry today of my clothes (dh takes care of everything else). I'm still looking over my grocery and menu list, trying to make sure I haven't forgotten anything.  We picked up groceries on Oct 31, like a week an a half ago, and I thought I had really gotten extra milk, like an extra week's worth. It will be interesting to see. I have about a gallon and a half left. I guess that might last me a week more. It just seems now like the fridge is empty, LOL. But, at least I do still have lots of bread left in the freezer. I still have until 7:30 tomorrow morning to make any changes to the order. I also plan to go over all the items in my cart and cross off on my list, again, to make sure nothing was forgotten. Every so often I will swear I had put something in my cart, but when I get home it's not with the order and not showing that I ordered it.

My mom called around 6 last night. She sounded really good, just wanted to say a quick hello it seemed. She said she just finished dinner and cleaned up her dishes, LOL I told her we just finished dinner too, but I hadn't cleaned up my dishes, yet ;)

I just did a video chat with dd to wish her a happy birthday. She's 28 now. She laughed and said she can't say she's in her mid 20's anymore, now it's late 20's. LOL.  She was born on 11/11 at 11:22, which is 11 minutes after 11:11.  DH isn't up yet and he will likely call her at 11:22 haha. 



  1. Happy Birthday to your DD. We have a family member with a birthday today as well. Your daughter's birthday reminds me of the reason today is celebrated as Veteran's Day (Armistice Day) the truce was called at the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month. 1918 though ;)

  2. Happy Birthday DD!
    Make a wish:)

  3. Yellow Shoes

    A Very Happy Birthday to your dd.
    28 is a lovely age.
    Old enough to know what you’re doing and young enough to still be able to do it!

  4. Happy Birthday to DD! I hope Amos loud paws stop interrupting your sleep, LOL!
