Friday, November 10, 2023

Planning day Friday

I'm working on payroll this morning. 3 severance checks to enter and then 2 of the employees will be paid out and then just one more to pay for the next 3 payrolls. We have no idea what is going on with our p/t assistant, LOL.  He's supposed to be working like 2 hours per day and 4 hours on Fridays (per the schedule to work with his classes this quarter). He worked Monday and that's it this week. Haven't heard from him. I checked with my boss (who's been out sick Wed and Thurs) and she hasn't heard from him either. The way/timing of our payroll we estimate the last 4 days of the pay period and normally I have his estimated hours added per his schedule, but since he hasn't worked, nor has he contacted us, my boss said just don't pay him any estimated hours this payroll. If he ends up working any of the days, he'll just have to wait to get paid for them the next payroll. Well, he should just be let go ....but that's not my call to make.

I decided I will go get my turkeys and groceries on Sunday, so I used my time before work this morning to get my list finished. It's quite the list, due to extras while dd/sil we be here. Hopefully, I've remember everything. I decided to make a cream cheese frosting, from scratch, for the red velvet cake. I wanted to do a whip cream frosting, but then it will have to fit into the fridge and with a turkey thawing out in there there will be zero room for a cake.

I'm also going to try making us an egg/sausage/cheese breakfast casserole for breakfast one morning during their visit. I've got 99% of my order placed and my pick up time slot reserved. Once I started the order this morning and reserved the time, I had like an hour to get the order in to save my time slot. Then I have like 24 hours to edit/add to the order, which I ended up doing, as I ran out of time to get it all added before my time slot hold would run out. I have done this before and then lost my time slot. I'm sure I'll forget something, I always do. 

My plan on Sunday morning is to stop in to see my mom again and this time get her hair trimmed. Then we will be back to see her the day after Thanksgiving.

I stayed up an extra 45 minutes last night, hoping it would help me sleep in a little bit later. It helped 20 minutes, LOL


  1. It seems the assistant is NOT taking this job seriously. It is good you can trim your mother's hair. Does the mc have a stylist on hand? With my problems sleeping, the time change has affected me not at all. However, for some reason I am sleeping better, longer.

    1. The mc is supposed to have a stylist that comes in once a week, but months ago she quit and apparently they have not found someone else yet. I think the assistant knows at this point my boss is a bit of a pushover so he can just keep apologizing and getting away with it. She's usually not this bad, but I think part of her reluctance to let him go stems from the fact she hired him as a favor to someone.

  2. Sounds like your assistant is a bit of an idiot. He found a company that would allow him to work and schedule it around his studies and yet he doesn't seem to appreciate just how lucky he is! He might resurface when he doesn't get paid though, don't you think!

  3. The partime assistant has such an individual view of personal responsibility!
    Years ago I had to sack an assistant after repeated warnings over behaviour and breaches of contract.
    Her reaction was to smile and say - Good, if I'd walked away I'd have been ended up with nothing but now you've sacked me I can claim welfare!

  4. No surprise about the assistant 😒 can't wait to hear his excuse, exams maybe??
