Monday, November 6, 2023

Trying to be an IT tech (ha!)

I decided not to make a cake. Trying to be good, have some willpower and watch the calories. Especially since we'll have a cake in a little over 2 weeks, when I make one for dd's birthday. 

I'm going to need a couple pair of jeans in the near future. The two pair I wear most often are getting pretty worn, so I decided to watch Kohl's pricing for awhile and try to pick them up at the best price. I think that might be now. The jeans are $28 regularly and on sale and w/code they are $17. Or maybe they'll be cheaper Black Friday. I'm in no rush, so I think I'll wait and see. If nothing else, this $17 price will roll around again, I'm sure.

Just got my quarterly garbage service bill. Up another $5. We started out our service at $142/qtr and now are up to $185/qtr. Obviously, the discussion at a county council meeting a couple months ago, with a rep from the garbage company in attendance, did nothing to stop our rates from going up yet again. 

I did get the upstairs all vacuumed yesterday and cleaned the master bathroom. 

I still haven't had my side job get me connected again. I'll have to bug her again here a little later this morning. I guess she thought this would magically fix itself? LOL.

I like to have extra hamburger buns in the freezer, but every so often after getting thawed they don't come out very soft and fresh. I had most of a package I needed to freeze, so I took the time to wrap each bun individually in plastic wrap and then put them all in a ziploc freezer bag. We'll see how that works out. 

The increase in internet speed hasn't fixed the problems dh has been having lately. He was finally able to show me what it's sometimes doing. He'll be watching a youtube video and the video freezes but the audio keeps going. Stuff like that, as well as slow connection to sites/pages, also off and on. I called for tech support through our phone company. I wanted to ask if our modem/router could be needing to be replaced. It's at least over 5 years old now, and I think it was the same modem we brought from our other house, so at least 7 years old. He had me give him the model # on it and had me do a restart and a speed test (all stuff I have tried myself!). Now he's put in a ticket and a service tech will be calling me. I don't think it's anything to do with dh's computer's wi-fi system/card, as I did a speed test from his computer and it comes out the same as mine. So frustrating. I had hoped bumping up to the next internet plan would fix the issues.

Ok, in googling the issue of youtube video freezing, but the audio keeps playing, one of the issues could be the browser being used. I forgot I thought of this awhile back, but never had dh test this theory out by using a different browser. We both use Firefox and maybe something got glitchy with his and it needs to be reinstalled. But, what I just did was import his bookmarks into Edge and am having him try doing his normal daily internet stuff today and see if he has any issues. I am hoping this is the problem!


  1. I hate computer problems! It seems I have more as I go along. I was not good. I made brownies.

    1. Brownies sound very good. They always satisfy my chocolate cravings

  2. I'm still using Safari as a browser but Microsoft has been pushing me to use Chrome for ages. I do find if I switch to Chrome it works better though I still don't like it. And then of course there's always Edge!!! Damn I hate this stuff. I wish they'd stop "improving things"!

    1. I use Firefox and at work, too, but to access our payroll website I have to use Chrome. I don't know why I just don't switch it all over to Chrome at work, LOL. I really hate trying to figure all this out, too.

  3. Wow that garbage bill is rough! I know we pay $27 a quarter for recyling, 67 a quarter for trash, and they always add a 15-20% "fuel surcharge" on. So it turns out around 120 a quarter most times. 185 is huge, though I bet your location may have something to do with it, since we do live in a city.

    1. we are getting a fuel surcharge, too, which is what is appearing to go up. It is definitely our remote location as well as the only garbage service choice. It's just annoying that even their base rate has really increased over the past several years.

  4. I use Chrome at work, but Firefox at home. I have an Apple laptop though. DH's computer is new-ish, right? Maybe the browser cache just needs to be cleared out? I also use Brave browser sometimes as well.

    1. Now I can't remember how old his computer is. Probably a couple years old now? I will have to check into how to clear the browser cash. I did read that Firefox, while a good browser, does use a lot of memory when running, so it's not the best choice for a lower end computer (ie. dh's, haha). I think next time he needs a new computer, I will pay a little more and get him something with more memory. Plus, he will have Firefox open twice - one on each screen, so I'm sure that really uses up his processing speed (though I'm probably saying it wrong).

  5. I find bread products of any sort do seem to keep better in a freezer if wrapped twice or even three times.

    1. that sounds like good advice. I need to put more effort into it than just tossing something in the freezer.

  6. Over the last several years, our trash bill has gone from $41 every three months to $74. After seeing yours, I guess we shouldn't complain so much. Eek.

    A friend shared a trick for freezing bread. She puts a paper towel in the bag before she freezes it, and leaves it in there as it thaws. I don't eat bread, so I don't know if this works or not.

    1. A high percentage of residents in our town/county are low income and/or retired. I don't even know how they afford garbage service
