Saturday, November 25, 2023

Good Black Friday

Our visit with mom went ok. They have a couple of covid cases in memory care again, so masks were preferred, per the sign at the door. We just stayed in her room visiting and while there one of the staff stopped by with a guy from a lab who was giving all the residents covid tests, so they did that quickly. So, it was good to know they test them, I didn't realize they were doing that to all of them. Mom was a bit "out of it" in terms of she didn't really realize this is where she lives and told dd she also had a second place she stays. I'm pretty sure she had no clue dd was her granddaughter, even though I introduced her that way and dd was calling her grandma. I was looking through her clothes to add on the sticky labels I got and didn't see her 2 new cardigan sweaters. Not in her hamper either. Oh, that made me mad and I was going to talk to the staff in the office when we left, but a few minutes later I realized they were on her bed under a small blanket she had bundled in a ball.

I wanted to stop and get milk so that we then probably won't need to go grocery shopping until next weekend. I also needed to stop at Lowe's to get wreaths and a replacement string of garland for the stairs that the lights went out. DD had brought some of their stuff (dog food, etc) in this neat collapsible bins that they had got at Costco. DH really liked it. She said she uses them when she picks up her groceries and we thought it would be nice to have some to use to put all our grocery bags in and then they collapse and stack when not in use. So, we went to Costco after Lowes and decided to get milk there to save another stop. They have regular milk and organic milk and I got the organic, but realized when we got home it says "A2" milk on it. I don't know what that is, LOL. Linda, I know you always get that - what is it? haha.

I was mad I didn't get the wreaths at Costco. They were $5 more and 10x better than the crappy thin ones we got at Lowes. Next year I'll try to remember Costco. I don't have a membership (we went in with DD's) but supposedly if dd got us a costco gift card you can go in without a membership to shop and pay with the card. What I don't know is, say the total is more than the gift card, will they let you pay with another method if you are not a member? After SIL showed his membership card to the checker I was able to pay with my credit card.

For being Black Friday (dh kept calling it Good Friday and then we were all calling it that) none of the stores were too busy. Even Costco was ok for me. No lines at the check out, which was awesome. We got 4 of the stackable bins. Then SIL wanted to go to Sportsman's Warehouse and of course dh was all for that. DH had seen a nice set of binoculars advertised that were almost half off, so we ended up getting those for him, along with some ammo they had 30% off, making the bullets like .05 cents each, which is a really good price. SIL found the magazines he'd been looking for last time they were here. He can't buy them in his state or even order them to deliver to his state, so he was happy to finally get them.

We stopped for an early dinner. Well the guys got burger meals, dd and I just got a little snack. After we got home we got the big 12 ft tree brought downstairs and started assembling and dd and I got it all fluffed. We also got the garland attached to the stairs, so all that was a really big help having an extra set of hands.

Being so busy and then after we started watching a Hallmark Christmas movie, I forgot to eat dinner. During the movie dd got up and got us all a slice of pie, so I had that, but when I went to bed I realized I'd had no dinner. SIL and dh had turkey sandwiches. I ended up with a headache the second half of my sleep, probably from not eating. After the Hallmark movie we just put on The Santa Claus, a good old favorite.

This morning I'm going to try making the breakfast casserole recipe. They plan to head back home this afternoon. We'll like start decorating the tree before they leave. No one is up yet. I had to go ahead and get up at my normal 7am. Amos wanted me up and I wanted to get rid of the headache, which is mostly gone now after a couple Tylenol and a cup of coffee. The set of Christmas mugs I just ordered a few days ago from Wayfair are already delivering today.


  1. I’ve never been to a Costco in Montana that is as busy as some of them. The one I go to most of the time is fine. Occasionally I go to yours and have never had a problem. Last time I was there at 4:30 and was expecting it to be crazy, but it really wasn’t. Now the ones in Arizona and New Mexico- omg, those were BUSY. I’d rather shop at Costco than any other store. Checkout is fast. The aisle are wide. Their carts are good. And the employees are friendly and efficient. They are rarely out of something. So basically everything walmart and Safeway lack.


    1. We had a Costco membership for the first year or two we lived here. It's just me...I don't like big stores/crowds very much, LOL.

  2. A2Milk is a brand Of milk that only has the a2 protein. I have cramps, diarrhea and am miserable after milk consumption. Sometimes, this lasts hours. I am not lactose intolerant or anything else. I was tested by an allergist.

    When I heard an ad about the a2milk, I tried it. Buying that is actually what got me started shopping at Publix. I would not buy it at Walmart because they drag the milk out and let it sit in the aisle. I have drunk a2milk when it was three weeks past the best buy date. It tasted fine.
    According to Wikipedia-- is no evidence that the a2 protein is beneficial or that the a1 protein is harmful.

    I can eat ice cream with regular milk, and suffer. So far, I have not eaten ice cream or anything else that only has a2 in it.

    A mutation 5,000 to 10,000 caused milk cows to have the a1 protein.

    Here is a link from the a2milk company--
    I see they now have grass-fed milk.

    It is very expensive, about $4.59 for a half-gallon. So, sometimes, I pay $10/gallon.

    I had a woman comment that her grandson's stomach hurt when he drank milk. After reading my blog for a couple of years, she suggested the milk to her daughter. The grandson no longer has a stomachache when he drink milk since they switched to a2milk

    There are other companies that make the same product and sell under a different name.

    It does taste just like regular milk, and in cooking, it is identical.

    1. Thank you for the explanation! It tastes the same to me. Costco had a 4 -1/2 gallon pack for $16

  3. My sweet granddaughter is calling it Dark Friday. Cute!

  4. Here's some information on shopping with a Costco gift card if you aren't a member. I never knew you could do this.

    1. Hi! I was aware of this and dd and I discussed it for next year, having her get me a gift card (only members can buy the card) ahead of time for me to use to go get wreaths. It sounds like a good way to shop at Costco if you don't shop there often.
