Friday, November 3, 2023

Let's speed up

I finally decided we need a bit faster internet. Not that I have a whole lot of choices, LOL, but when I first signed us up for the (through the phone company) internet (at our house in town) I decided to try their lowest basic plan and just see how that worked for us. Or maybe that's all that was available at that time. I can't remember now, but it has always worked well enough, but we're pushing it with streaming, I think. When we lived in town we had Dish for tv, so we weren't streaming much. It's only 12 mb, (says it's supposed to be 15) and supposedly good for 1-2 users, 4 devices. The next level up for $20 more a month is a whopping (said with extreme sarcasm) 25mb, good for 2-5 users and up to 8 devices. Hopefully this will make our streaming a little faster, especially when we are both streaming a show or video at the same time. DH has YouTube premium and he watches stuff on their all the time and says it just seems like it's getting slower and slower. This phone company is getting fiber optic out to some of their areas, but our area doesn't even seem to be on their map, yet. 

When I called to inquire about upgrading I wanted to know if I would need to change modems and/or change any settings on our google home wi-fi system. I first spoke to a tech person and he said no, it would just be upgraded remotely. Then I spoke with customer service and he said he had to check with another dept to see if the faster speed was even available where I live, LOL. He called me back shortly after and confirmed it was available and it will be 24-48 hours before it updates to the new speed. So, far this morning a speed test is showing we are still at our original speed. 

My mom called after lunch yesterday. Very confused, like an evening call usually is. She was going back home tomorrow in her car. Then said someone lost her car. We talked for almost 10 minutes and a few minutes later she called me again with no memory of just talking to me. I'll see her today after I have my passport appointment, to take her new clothes. Hopefully she got a good nights sleep and will be ok while I'm there.

I just checked our internet speed again and now it's up to the new speed. So, guess we'll see if it helps, especially when we are both trying to stream at the same time. My computer is hardwired to the internet with an ethernet cable into the phone jack in my office. Apparently this is supposed to be faster than wi-fi connection and this must be true. I've never done a speed test from dh's computer, which is connected via wi-fi, so I don't know what it was showing prior to my upgrade yesterday. My speedtest now shows 20mb (was showing 10-11 before most tests) and dh's computer shows the 10-11mb. I have no idea why we didn't plug his computer in via ethernet. I seem to recall the electricians mentioning it when they were putting the phone jack in the den. Maybe I just did wi-fi because I didn't realize a hardwired connection is faster? I have no idea, but I do have an extra ethernet cable, so I think I will try connecting his computer via ethernet and see if that brings him up to the full speed. Beats me, I really don't know enough about how all this works.

Hopefully all goes well with my passport appointment, but how much do you want to bet they are going to tell me this photo I got isn't acceptable. They do photos there, but I didn't make an appointment "with photo" so I can just see them saying, sorry you'll have to make a new appointment, LOL.

Wish me luck!


  1. Just think. Once your passport is issued, you're good for 10 years!! Haha
    I know it's a PITA just to go through the process.
    My husband & I both renewed ours last January, at the same time at the same post office and his came back in 3 weeks & mine came back in 2 months.
    Good luck :)

    1. I'm glad it's good for 10 years! All the other people before me were there to renew..I had dh's renewal to mail so when he got done with me I asked "I can just mail in my husbands renewal right? We don't have to do it in person?" and he said mail is ok, too. I don't know why people wouldn't just mail it in rather than spend that time waiting at the post office?

  2. This is certainly a long, drawn out process for your getting a passport. I hope it all works out with your white
    It sounds like your mother is getting worse. Hope not.
    I always used an ethernet cord before I came here. Well, I think I see an ethernet cord behind the TV. Tomorrow, I will look closer. Tomorrow, I think I will run a test for the speed.
    Oh, I am back! But, my old blog is where I Will you post that so people can find me. Now, I cannot get in the moreparsimony blog and do not know why!

    1. I updated your blog link on my side bar. Glad you are back
