Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Wednesday prep

Yesterday was productive. I got the 2 red velvet cake rounds made and then wrapped in plastic wrap and then foil, as soon as they cooled down just a bit, and into the freezer. According to the recipe video I watched this is supposed to help seal in the moistness of the cake and also make it easier to frost. I'll take them out tomorrow morning and frost. Of course dh walks into the kitchen as I'm pouring the batter into the pans and says "why is is red? gross!" I said it just tastes like cake, mostly chocolate cake and just has red food coloring. I'm sure he won't even try a piece tomorrow after dinner, so I guess he can just have ice cream or have some of the cookies for dessert.

I got a wash load done, make a batch of peanut butter cookies, kept the kitchen cleaned as I went along baking. Took out the chicken to thaw for tomorrow nights "birthday" dinner. Did a bit of vacuuming and wrapped dd's birthday presents. 

The weather was sunny and mid 40's, so after lunch dh decided to take the car into town to fill up with gas and then he washed it when he got home and changed the oil that is was due for. He kept busy all day. 

My mom gave me a call just after lunch and she sounded really good. I'm glad her phone is back on. I texted uncle that her phone is working again.

DD and SIL said they were getting on the road this morning at 5:30 their time, so they should be here around 1:30 or 2pm our time. I messaged her about half hour ago, when I got up, but she hasn't replied. Maybe she is driving this first part of the trip. They are driving their new (used) truck they just got. They said they went and had new/better tires put on it. SIL is always very prepared for road trips, which I have always admired about him. 

I see the jeans dh wears are on Black Friday sale with Walmart for $13. Can't beat that price, so this is the time to buy some more to replace his wearing out pairs. When he gets up I'll ask him how many he wants/needs. I've had like $20 rewards to spend at Wayfair for a long time and finally ordered something yesterday: a set of 4 Christmas coffee mugs. I have thing on my kitchen wall (a rooster) that hangs 4 mugs and yesterday I was like "I need some Christmas mugs for it!". So I found some that were $27. (cheapest they had).

Today I will be making the pumpkin pie, making the cake frosting and frosting the cake. I'm also going to make some jello for tomorrow's dinner.  I just went to get the frozen pie crust out of the freezer to get thawed. This is a "deep dish" one by Pillsbury, I don't think I've gotten before. Well, good to read the directions I guess because it says to bake from frozen. 

Our bonus room is slow going, LOL. (4 1/2 years so far) At the beginning of this year I finally got the carpeting put in. That was the last we've done with it. It was a big expense, as it all seems to be. Now we have decided it's finally time for the pool table we've been wanting since we designed the house. We found one we love, so I'm going to order it, with installation delivery added on. But, first we need the pool table light and to get it installed (dh should be able to do this himself) and I have now ordered the light from an Etsy shop. But, it's coming from Bulgaria. It shipped out today, but will take like a month to get here. The shipping estimate says "between Dec 15th and Jan 8th" LOL. We don't want the pool table set up until we have this light up first. This is the one I picked out, but in "rust" color.

Even with the pool table addition there is still so much to finish in this room. Some kind of seating/couch to watch the big tv (at least I saved there with taking my mom's big tv) and some side chairs for another seating area. The bar area needs to be finished. It has a "bar" but no countertop and no shelves or anything back there. It's pre plumbed in the wall to have a small sink, so something will also have to be built to hold the sink. And we want a small fridge/cooler. Maybe by the time I'm ready to retire it will be done, LOL.


  1. I just had Tommy put the pie crust into the refrigerator. So, I wonder if it is supposed to be cooked from frozen. ??? Whatever, I always/ usually bake pumpkin pies in the thawed crust. I like having the regular crust instead of deep dish for pumpkin. It makes two thin pies. Well, that is what Mama did.
    My parents were terrified because my ex let me come to Memphis on bald tires once. I trusted him to keep the car safe. He bought gallons of used oil to change the oil. I always wanted to know why change dirty oil for more dirty oil. This was not all he did or did not do to the car.
    I am glad you heard from your mother. Did she know you are her daughter? Did she mention Thanksgiving, or has she forgotten it.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

    1. I meant to say that I would want the pool table in to check placement of the fixture. I know the middle of the room might seem right, but it will be easier to change the position of the table than the light fixture. The light fixture is specifically for the table, not necessarily for the center of the room. Just something to think about.
      Fixture is great.
      Are you getting the tall chairs I see in people's houses for pool rooms?

    2. We already planned out the layout out of the bonus room when the house was being built, so there is already a light centered. We didn't want to spend the money for a pool table light back then so it's just a basic light fixture on the ceiling. The center of the room has a tray ceiling and the light is centered on that. Dh doesn't want a pool table before the light because he doesn't want to have to stand on the table to install it. I'm not really sure if my mom knows I'm her daughter but it seemed like she did and she did not mention Thanksgiving at all, very forgotten.

    3. We are eventually getting 2 or 3 barstools, but I don't know what yet.

  2. I love that light - but hope you don't end up paying too much in import duty (if any)! Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your time with your dd and sil!

    1. We've ordered from a European Etsy shop before and I don't recall any extra charges. The shipping for this light was $68. I'm not sure how that works with duty

  3. It turned out really good! Happy Thanksgiving :)

  4. I ordered Dh 3 pairs of jeans from wm yesterday. Last week I got him 4 Levi they had on sale, so he should be set for the year.

    Did you hear the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the state on the property tax fight. It was unanimous. I didn’t figure the counties had a chance of winning. I suppose they will have to send out amended bills now.


    1. I did see that news about the property taxes and am not surprised either.
