Saturday, November 4, 2023

A busy afternoon

Other than a bit of a wait past my appointment time, Operation Passport Application was a success. Whew! The guy told me I was the most organized customer he's ever had, LOL. I probably got him back on schedule 😄. I also had dh's passport renewal in a priority envelope to mail and kept looking at the line over at the regular counter. Ugh. Then as I was finishing up at the passport desk I asked the guy if I could pay for the postage with him and I could, so that saved time.

But, I hate being "off schedule" and I was leaving the post office when I had wanted to be at my mom's. We stopped at the bank on the way (forgotten errand from last trip) and then dh dropped me off at mom's and he went over to Sportsmans Warehouse to pick up something he ordered. I had 2 bags of clothes, plus the winter coat for mom and as I'm getting out I told dh, I'm just going to leave my purse in the truck. Of course then, after I get her clothes put away and then I realize the haircutting scissors I brought are in my the truck...oh well. It wouldn't be normal if I didn't forget something I was supposed to do when I have a list of to-do's/errands.

I put the white cardigan sweater on mom and fits nice and now her arms will be warm. As I was hanging up the rest in her closet one of the staff guys came in to empty her wastebasket. Only it was nowhere to be found. So, I started looking and found it in her hamper, buried under clothes, LOL. I also ordered some clothing labels with her name that I am going to also add to her clothes, in addition to the sharpie initials. 

She was doing ok, at least she wasn't planning to go home tomorrow ;). The repeated question this visit was asking 10 times how long I've been married. DH then texted me he stopped at Burger King and got us a couple burgers, so by the time he got back to pick me up, it was good timing for me to leave. It was quite warm out yesterday at almost 60 degrees.

Nothing urgent came up at work while I was gone (boss had decided to take the day off) other than an email I was able to reply to from my phone while waiting to do the passport. So, once I got home (about half hour later than planned) I didn't end up working much past that. Since we ate at 3pm, we didn't relly need dinner, though dh snacked later in the evening. I ended up taking a nap around 6pm.

I just tried to hook dh's computer up to ethernet, but it doesn't work. The phone jack has 2 plug ins. They had wired my office to the modem so I could be hardwired and I thought maybe they had done the same in the den, but I guess not. I just can't remember now, there was too much going on at the time and something in the back of my mind is telling me they didn't and I already tried plugging into that phone jack several years ago. I think it had something to do with there was no more room on the modem to plug another connection to, maybe that was it.

And I shouldn't have even told him I upgraded it, LOL! After it was on faster speed yesterday he kept telling me it was worse than before! I swear to God if I hadn't even told him he wouldn't have even noticed any difference either way.  

And it's a good thing my computer is able to do ethernet because for some reason it doesn't have a wi-fi card. What?! LOL. This is a computer I got through work, set up by our IT and then shipped to me. I thought all computers just standard came with wifi capabilities. Maybe the IT guy had asked me how I am connected, so he just left a wi-fi card out of the configuration when ordering the tower. My previous computer had wi-fi and I know one time our internet was down so I created a hotspot with my phone and was able to still work, so that would be a good reason to have wi-fi as backup, even though it only happened/was needed like one time.

I don't know what I'm doing today. Vacuum and wash sheets for sure. I might try making a cake, with the extra egg yolks and substitute melted butter for the oil, that one of the commenters suggested.

Our retired friend stopped by Thursday. We had not seen him since before we had Covid! And boy, his puppy got big. He brought her in on a leash and she did well, but he said she sure can get into stuff. When she leaves both dh and I always say, ok, we aren't ready for another puppy.


  1. If you make a red velvet cake from a box mix, try using buttermilk instead of water or milk. Also, don't melt the butter, let it get to room temperature, cream it, then beat in the eggs, THEN add the box mix alternately with the milk.

    1. I will try that when I make the red velvet one! thanks for the tips :)

  2. Congrats on the passport application. I love international travel. I want to go back to England and Scotland and also want to see Japan and may be Korea too. Of course US is always my second home. There is nothing like getting on a plane to fly to a place you love or want to see. Fills me with such joy.

    1. I'll likely not need it for the cruise stop in Canada, but better to be prepared and now will have the option to drive to Canada to see my half sister one of these days. And when the time comes (they keep pushing it out a year) that I need more than my regular driver's license to fly domestically, I'll have the passport.

  3. Were you going to cut/trim your mother's hair? Thanks for the new blog change. I think I would put a big smiley face patch on her left sleeve or maybe on the front to alert people to where her clothes are.

    1. No, I left my purse in the truck when dh dropped me off, so I had no scissors to cut her hair :/
