Thursday, November 9, 2023

Trying to avoid frustrations

When I'm trying to type the - key, which I do often with numbers in accounting, I still keep hitting that sleep button right above it. GRRRR! It completely disconnects me from my VPN connection, so I have to log in all again, every time. And you don't know how many times I have logged back in, only to go to type my negative number again and do it again!

I googled if it was possible to reprogram a keyboard and it is, but I could not get it to work for the sleep button. Then I found a video showing the key can at least be turned off, in the windows control panel power settings, so now when I accidentally hit that key instead of the - key, nothing happens. I will still have to make sure I am getting the actual - button pressed, when needed, but at least I will no longer be disconnecting myself completely every time I hit it. It wouldn't be such an issue if it didn't disconnect my vpn connection every time.

DH didn't go to the gunsmith's place yesterday. I didn't ask why. It's been something he keeps saying he's going to do for like the past year now, ever since he heard of this gunsmith, LOL. It's an hour drive, but we have been to and through the town like 3 times this past year and he could have brought the rifle to drop it off there almost any of those times, as well. I doubt he would go today, as he does our laundry on Thursdays.

So, that's 2 computer "techy" things I figured out this week. That's my brains limit! No more, please.

I have Thanksgiving week off work. I need to figure out what day to go into the city to get the turkey and a load of groceries. I can't wait until Monday of that week, as likely by then the turkey pickings are pretty slim as well as that's not enough time to defrost it. So, it will have to be one day next week or maybe this weekend. I'm also going to pick up a smaller turkey for Christmas dinner for dh and I. Last year I had a hard time finding a turkey for Christmas dinner. DH only wants turkey, LOL. 

I'm also trying to plan meals and snacks for when dd and sil are here. I asked her what she wants for her "birthday" (belated, LOL) dinner when they get here the day before Thanksgiving. She said she is trying to decide between chicken enchiladas and chicken burgers. Typically for breakfast and lunch we all just eat something on our own time with what I have, but I want to figure out some more choices. Maybe for Saturday morning I will try an egg casserole and sausage dish. I just need to get it all figured out soon so that I get everything with my grocery order. Dinners Fri and Sat will just be leftover turkey and sides. With having all week off, I'd like to see what things I can pre prepare/make. The video I watched on the box red velvet cake hack, the lady also recommended freezing the baked cake first, as it is so much easier to frost that way, apparently (makes sense!), so I think I will make that on Tuesday, to thaw and frost on Wednesday.

Sad to say, but I think it will all be a bit more relaxed this holiday, without trying to have my mom here. At least more relaxed for me, that's for sure. Hours of answering the same couple of questions over and over wears me out very quickly. It will be much easier (on her and me!) to just go visit her for awhile the day after. Half of her overnight visit last year, she didn't even know where she was (which was stressful for her) and shortly after getting her back to her place, she had forgotten she was even here. Christmas was even worse.

I know when we go visit her on Christmas Eve, and take her a gift for Christmas, she still has enough memory to know she is "supposed" to also give a gift back. Knowing she doesn't have anything then she will say something like "well, I want to write you a check" or something like that. Any suggestions on something good to say to her? 

Good Lord - I have been trying to dispute this invoice for my work for a year! It's from one of our manufacturer's, for a sample. Only it's not our invoice! It's not even billed to us. It's for a rep halfway across the county. I keep telling them that, then a few months later they send the statement and invoice copy to me again. I don't know how to be any more clear that this is not our invoice. The reply is "it's for samples your company ordered to send direct to a customer" and I keep replying, BUT we are not the company you are billing on this invoice. We didn't order this and it's not our customer. This morning their a/r person forwarded it to her customer service manager and she sent me an email saying "this is samples requested by your company". And again I have replied but we are NOT xyz company, we are abc company! Good grief. If I get one more email from them, I am going to call and blow a cork, haha.


  1. Buy yourself a small gift, wrap it and take it with you and act like she got it for you.

  2. I had the same issue with the sleep button on my new keyboard. I love the keyboard overall but it never fails when I 10 key that I hit it. I finally just popped it off and I haven't done it again since. It's such a pain!!

    1. do people even really use the sleep button? LOL

  3. I definitely would pretend she got you a gift, and just have DH say oh Mrs One, here is your gift from your mom or whatever! We have been looking for Christmas hams since October, so luck. We typically do ham for the holidays - we're seeing lots of sliced ham options, but nothing for non sliced ham - I know your turkey journey will be smoother.

    1. as long as I don't wait too long to get the turkey and also get the one for Christmas dinner, now, I should be good.

  4. I know it seems sad to say, but it is the truh. Face it, it's very easy when someone is not the primary caregiver/closest family member to sit in judgement on the choices made, but you know the situation better than anybody, and know what is best! You are also entitled to enjoy your holiday too.

    1. It was kind of hard even 2 years ago, and last year was definitely too hard, so I'm not going to feel bad that she now needs to stay put in memory care and we'll visit her instead. It's reality of life, unfortunately :(

  5. When she says she wishes she had a gift for you, you could tell her she gave you one the last time you were there. Thank her again for giving it to you :)

  6. I think it's better for everyone concerned not to have mom with you. She'd probably be stressed and I know you would be. She's surely better in an environment she recognizes. As for that invoice, my ex and I closed our accounts with a local bank in 2008 and in 2018 I was still getting letters from them. Every time I sent them back stating this AND stating that my husband had left France in 2015, but still they came. Maybe I finally got through to a real human because they seem to have stopped now (fingers crossed)!

    1. We will be able to enjoy our time with dd and sil and mom won't have to be confused and stressed wondering where she is

  7. Yellow Shoes

    I don't think there would be any advantage in bringing your mother to your home for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
    If she does come she'll be confused and therefore stressed and you and dh will be exhausted.
    When you see her at her home and she mentions giving you a cheque I would smile and say
    - What a kind thought! That would be lovely; thank you very much.
    Or words to that effect; she is still thinking of you and wanting to give you something.

    1. I have no intentions of bringing her here for the holiday any more. We will be visiting her from now on, instead. Just the almost hour drive each way would likely over do it for her. I like your idea if she mentions the check...and then just change the subject. When I brought her birthday cupcakes and present she almost immediately forgot about them.
