Monday, November 13, 2023

The great grocery haul

I was getting a headache coming on yesterday morning, so dh wanted to just drive me into the city to pick up the groceries. I ended up deciding not to go see my mom. I just wanted to get the groceries and get back home, which in itself is almost a 3 hour trip.

I had set up pick up time between 11 and noon and we left at 10:15. First stop was a different grocery store. From their online website I saw they finally had their frozen hamburger patties I like back in stock and I wanted to get 2 packages, plus I had just gotten the notification of Walmart's substitutions and they were out of black forest ham lunch meat and wanted to sub it with some other type of ham, so I declined it and got the lunch meat at this first store.  I was in and out in about 5 minutes.

They have been out of the hamburger patties for awhile now, for some reason. I tried what I assumed would be the same thing from Walmart. Not even close. You could even see the difference - the Walmart patties were more of a pink gray color and just not that good of taste. Then from the other grocery store I tried a pricey box of patties of a different brand. While the meat tastes fine, they are a pain in the butt. It was a box of 20 patties and they are all frozen together and do not come apart. So, every time I want 2-3 patties out for dinner, I've been having to put all the patties in the microwave and defrost just enough until I can get the knife to separate some from the group. It's been annoying. I'll finish using them up, but glad the other kind was back in stock, finally.

We got to Walmart and I needed to go inside to pick out my turkeys, so I'd for sure get the sizes I wanted. It was about 11:10 when we pulled up to the pick up parking area and it was really full, so I said go park in front of the store and I'll go get the turkeys first. Everyone is here for their 11am pick up and maybe by the time we get back it'll be less. Dh went off to use the restroom and I headed for the turkeys. I got one 17# and one 12# (for just the 2 of us at Christmas) at .98/lb. The other store wanted $2.49/lb for this brand.

Wow, I had not been inside Walmart in quite awhile. Almost every checkout stand is now self checkout. I scanned my turkeys and then of course got beeped at that an associate would be over soon. Ok...,.the older lady that works there to help with this....she has a small dog on a leash....anyway, she looked at my transaction on the screen and says both turkeys rang up, I don't see what the issue is, you are clear to pay now. Got back out to the pickup with dh waiting there and he put them in the extra cooler we brought and then we drove back around to the pickup side. Ha! Only one car was waiting by this time! DH was like you are always right, LOL.

It was 11:45 and we were hungry, so did Wendy's drive through. I decided to try their classic chicken sandwich, since they stopped making the grilled chicken sandwich. It was pretty good. I'd probably get it again. We were back home by 12:45 and lots of groceries to get unloaded and put away, but at least by the time I was done getting them put away, I didn't then have to make lunch, LOL.

The rest of the day was uneventful. DH got the laundry done. I did take a bit of a nap, but still just a dull headache, but at least it's gone now.

My chest freezer in the garage is stocked full, for now. I needed to freeze the dinner rolls for Thanksgiving and the buns for dd's "birthday" dinner. The dinner rolls (which got substituted from what I really wanted, darn) are in a 12 pack, so I left them in the plastic bag they are in and also wrapped each one with foil. DD wanted brioche buns for the chicken burgers and I got those from Walmarts bakery. I took them out of the packaging and wrapped each one in cling wrap and then put inside a ziploc bag. I had also bought some bakery muffins. Those come in a hard plastic container, which I also put inside ziploc bags. Since most of this stuff is only going to be in the freezer a little over a week, I probably didn't need to go to all that trouble with the extra wrapping, but I wanted to make sure.

I was watching some videos and a couple of times the people used that Press 'n seal cling wrap. I have never tried that before, so I bought a roll. It is nicer and easier to use, that's for sure.  

I wanted to get some new cake pans. The metal, non-stick kind. The only cake pans I have had for 40 years are some glass ones. Every baking video I watch they use the metal non stick. I googled glass cake pans and I guess they aren't the best for baking cakes. They don't cook evenly or something. I had ordered a set of 2 with my grocery order, but then they said they were out of stock, so I just ordered some from Amazon that should be here in a few days.


  1. I like the press & seal wrap.
    Only negative is if you cover a glass plate, like a plate of cookies;), the "sticky" is hard to get off the dish.
    It seals so nice. :)

  2. Your pans make all the difference in baking. I never had good luck with non-stick. I have USA Pan cake pans in 9" round, as well as a Granite Ware, made in the u.s.a.set in 8" round.I have a usa Pan sheet cake pan too. My loaf pans are stainless steel, made in the u.s.a, but I can't remember the manufacturer. For Christmas, my kids bought me two usa Pan springform pans, one 8", one 9" for cheesecakes. I can never go back! I feel like they are my tools, and I need good tools to do good work. When I make a cake, I always butter the pan, then line the bottom with parchment paper. When I tip it out on to the rack to cool, the parchment comes right off--no sticking, ever. (Baking is a bit of a hobby of mine!)

    1. I'm not sure I bake enough to warrant the good stuff, LOL. I do own a springform pan for the occasional cheesecake I bake.

    2. Do you use parchment paper in your pans?

    3. I have never, (always buttered or spray oil) but the video I am using for the red velvet cake, she used the parchment in the pans, so I am definitely going to try that.

  3. I love the Press n Seal. One day, I came into the kitchen because Tommy was having trouble with it he said. He had about 6 feet pulled out and was swinging the box. I took it and cut it with scissors and told him never to try cutting it on the box. I cut it on the box, but any kind of wrap on a roll is not good for him. It was so funny. He still uses it, but has never tried to cut it on the box again. He had never seen it, heard of it, or used it.
    Glass pans always burn things. I like stainless steel for pies and cake, and brownies.

    1. the press n seal is nice in that it doesn't all stick together when you try to use it. I can just imagine Tommy with that roll, LOL.

  4. Wait, was that a typo??? The lady at the self-service "has a small dog on a leash"??? If that's correct I'm stunned. There's no way they would allow a dog in a supermarket over here (with the possible exception of a guide dog)!

    1. No typo, your read it was a small dog on a leash! I'm guessing it must be her "comfort animal".

  5. I only use the self checkout for smaller purchases/items. Costco has them and I get flustered, it is the worst!!

    1. I use self check out when I have a few items as well and usually don't have a problem. I get confused when I have stuff like produce, though.

  6. Blogger comments are SO WEIRD! Suddenly I cannot log in via google to comment so I am Anonymous.

    Press and seal - I'll never go back to saran or cling wrap.
    Self checkout - Sam's Club is my hands-down favorite, with their scan and go app that lets me scan everything on my phone and swipe to pay for it with my credit card on file. I, too, am sort of shocked the worker is allowed to have a support animal in a grocery store.

    Janelle (Anonymous [insert random number here])
