Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Yummy food

The past few months, when we stop for something to eat while in the city, we've been doing Taco Time quite often. DH has a big burrito and I get their chicken quesadilla. I decided to try making my own chicken quesadilla at home so I bought some ingredients. Oh! it was really good. I kinda surprised myself, LOL.

I made dh a burger last night and then made myself the quesadilla to try. I grilled some cut up chicken breast in a pan. I put the chicken, some fresh pico del gallo (bought in container at Walmart), some shredded pepperjack cheese and some shredded colby jack cheese. It was really good. DH tried a bite (I don't think he's even ever tried a quesadilla) and really liked it. The only problem with it was I only made it on half of one tortilla and folded it closed and that was just not enough to eat, LOL. I'm going to make full sized ones tonight for dinner, for both of us to eat.

So, my assistant at work - last week he only worked his 2 hours on Monday and nothing the rest of the week and no communication from him about not working. Then yesterday my boss messages me asking if I saw that he clocked in on Sunday and worked 5.25 hours? (it's ok if he works then, we have repeatedly told him he's welcome to work eve's and weekends if that works better for his school schedule, but he never has before). I hadn't seen it, I was just waiting to log into our timekeeping system when it was his scheduled time (11:30) to start yesterday, to see if he showed up this week. So.....ok, let's see what he got done on Sunday. I went into our order system and there was absolutely nothing in there from the prior day with his name attached (when we do payment reconciliations or add mfg invoices, it attaches the user name to the transactions). I told my boss, honestly, I cannot see that he did any work Sunday, at all. I will be very curious to see what he says he worked on! And yesterday he did not clock in at all, again, and no communication. Prior, my boss had told him (more than once I think) that if he's not working his scheduled time. 

It would be one thing if he had actually done work those 5.25 hours on Sunday. While my boss probably would have again reminded him he needs to keep us informed when he's changing the work schedule he gave us that he could work, but to not contact us AND do no work for hours clocked in.....what the hell?! He knows that we can tell if he got work done. I'm not holding my breath anymore that he will be let go, but I sure want to know what he will tell her he worked on all those hours on Sunday. I guess because he was hired through this mentorship program our company is very involved in, she doesn't feel like she can let him go....I don't know, that's the only thing I can think why she keeps letting this go on..but it sure would have been nice to have someone who had a regular schedule each week, that I could count on consistently. Another guess is that she probably feels like she would/should talk to the head of the mentorship program first, to let him know he's not working out, so it's going to be having to have 2 conversations to get this done, which she is probably just hoping to avoid. I really don't know why she isn't, but hopefully at some point soon she will just have had enough and pull the trigger on the firing and get it over with. 

We don't hear anything from him last week or this week, so far, but what do you want to bet, that when he gets his pay tomorrow, he's going to email or message me to ask why he wasn't paid for the hours he worked Sunday, LOL. Well, sorry bud, you weren't working or communicating with us last week, so we had no idea that you were going to work Sunday and payroll was already processed last Friday, so you will have to wait for those hours to be added to your next paycheck.

Ok, I have a couple of work calls I need to make and have been waiting for it to get past 8am in that time zone, LOL. 


  1. Oh man! Long-time reader here, and every time I see stories about your assistant I think to myself “Hire me!!” lol. It really is crazy how some people a) don’t value when they have a good thing and b) just don’t seem to care about their job (and earning a paycheck!)

    1. it is really crazy to me, too. And he's getting paid a really good hourly rate (imho). I have a feeling a lot of it is due to that he NEEDED a job (when we hired him last spring), he didn't WANT a job, really. The the reality of hey, you actually have to WORK to earn the paycheck and KEEP (well, in most cases) the job, isn't fitting in with the IDEA of actually having a job.

  2. This should have been nipped in the bud the first time. He is so ridiculous, LOL. He already got caught out lying about hours worked and now he is logging on, and not doing the work. You can see everything. SMH!

  3. I love quesadillas! They are so easy to throw together, and you can put so many different things within them, it's great for nights cooking is too much.
    It is so frustrating hearing about people who just mess around at jobs and don't put effort in. Especially when its remote jobs, because I would love to find a remote job (due to disabilities and needing to find working accommodations), and it seems like jobs are going back to the office.

  4. Seems like you have two people who have already commented and would love to work that job! I have a friend who just recovered from knee surgery and is looking for a work from home job. She is one of the most efficient people I've ever met - and yes, we have worked together in the past. So for real, I think if this guy ever gets what's coming to him, you have some great options just from your readers here.

    I LOVE a good quesadilla. And I love even more making food at home. The quality is just better and the seasoning, etc.

  5. That guy! Goodness. That is a great gig, I can't imagine not taking advantage of someone being able to work around your schedule and paying you well. Sighhhhh. Well I will gladly take his place if they ever can him, I work from home already, they extra gigs are hard to find!

  6. I, too, could fill that job! Exactly who is supposed to be mentoring him? You? Your boss? Someone else? Mentoring is a job, so who is the mentor? If there is someone besides you or your boss, then that person should be questioning how he is doing and talking to him.

    I have never had a quesadilla. Tommy gets in the kitchen with wraps and comes out with it all wrapped up, maybe two sometimes. I ask what he has in it. Usually, he has chicken or pork I have cooked, along with pico de gallo (if we have it) and a couple of cheeses. So, I suppose he like quesadillas. He also puts in cherry tomatoes and bits of salad if we don't have the pico. He uses what we have.

    1. It's a mentorship program for under priveleged high school students and this guy went through the program, then went on to attend college. He's kept in touch with some of his mentors from this program and one of them recommended him when they heard we had an opening for the position

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