Sunday, November 19, 2023


I remembered to pull the turkey out of the freezer and it's now in the fridge. Between that and another loaf of bread being removed from the freezer, the freezer isn't feeling so stuffed now. Of course now, with an almost 18lb bird, the fridge is feeling stuffed, but I do still have a little room.

I had bought a loaf of cinnamon brioche bread. It was ok as toast, but I had it last night for french toast and it's really good for that. I put the rest of the loaf in the freezer to save for adding to breakfast when dd/sil are here.

I did dusting yesterday. I even dusted our wood stairs. Amazing how much dust gets on them. My new set of drinking glasses arrived in the mail (in 2 days!) and I really like them. Nice weight and no ridges in the side of the glass for decoration. I almost always have carnation instant breakfast powdered drink mixed with milk and have to stir it all up in the glass and it's nicer to stir when the glass is all smooth inside. No chocolate sticking to the sides in the crevices. 

I got my desk top cleaned off when I dusted. It wasn't as bad as it usually gets, with paperwork and whatnot. I was going to vacuum some today, but I think I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow. My stupid back! After I got done bent over/backing myself down the stairs while I dusted, my back did a freeze up on me. Some advil, a little heating pad and a nap later, it was fine. But during the night last night I woke up with it hurting so bad. It reminded of the days when I first hurt it from the car accident. I got into a position that wasn't as bad and fell asleep and it was pretty good this morning, but I know vacuuming is always the worst for my back. 

My dd said she thinks she will try to get most of her Christmas decorating done today, since they will be here for Thanksgiving and weekend. That way when she gets home it's all decorated for Christmas season. Otherwise she'd have to wait until the first weekend in December and lose another week of enjoying the decor out.

I thought I posted this earlier today, but I guess not! Better late than never.


  1. Oh I hurt my back late last week too! I am glad yours is feeling better. I took some old Naproxen I had laying around yesterday - normally I would not but the pains were shooting down my leg so I knew it was serious. Hoping all your prep goes smoothly this week!

  2. I felt it come on yesterday doing a cleanup in the garden.
    Definitely stop once that first twinge kicks in.
    Back pain along with toothache are so hard to get rid of and so unpleasant.

  3. I can remember the first time I 'tweaked' my back. I bent down to pick up a 12 pack of cokes and didn't stand fully upright again for a week. I went to the urgent clinic and was given pain meds and muscle relaxers and felt like I was in a daze for days. That was around 27 or 28 years and four spine surgeries ago. Thankfully I'm well now! But always hesitant to do anything that feels like it might disrupt anything. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  4. You might need a chiropractor appointment for your back! I've been having my back adjusted whenever I need it (it's rare) for about 40 years and am I ever grateful. Our turkey this year was 42 pounds. I grew it myself and it was beyond delish...

    1. I likely do. I used to go all the time to my chiropractor but after we moved here, where it's so rural I haven't found one in the city. The foam roller I got has really helped a lot too. 42 pounds! How did it even fit in your oven? LOL
