Friday, November 17, 2023

Friday tidbits

I looked at the time yesterday afternoon, to see if it was 4:30 (my quitting time) yet. It was 4:20. I was pretty much disgusted with the work day, so I just got up and was done for the day. Not that it really matters, as I'm salary and don't have to clock in and out, but I just didn't care if I was logging off 10 minutes early. 

I'm glad it's Friday and that I also have all next week off. It's much needed right now. Hopefully when I return to work on Monday, the 27th, I'll have a better disposition.

DH had ordered a shotgun from an online gun store last week. Something for home defense. It has to get shipped to someone with an FFL (Federal Firearms License) and picked up from that person, who runs the NICS check, and then you can have your firearm. DH found a guy who has the FFL and lives in our town and was able to go pick it up yesterday afternoon. This guy charges $35 for his services. It was good for dh to get out of the house and of course, while the NICS background check took all of a few minutes, he spent a good couple hours chatting with the guy. He found out the guy also restores old guns, so dh is going to have him restore that old rifle he got from his dad when he was a kid. We'll drop it off to the guy, next time we are in town. Saves an hour drive to take it to the other guy he had heard of.

Ever since I broke like 3 drinking glasses over the past year, we've been feeling like we run out of glasses before it's time to run the dishwasher. I finally just ordered a set of 4 from Amazon for like $13.I have been doing better (knock on wood) at not dropping things like glasses and cartons of milk, etc. My new cake pans arrived yesterday. Though I will say, that in 40 years of using my glass cake pans, I have never had a cake burn before. They've always come out fine, other than when I didn't grease it well enough and they occasionally stuck. Usually I butter and flour them. With the pans I am going to use parchment paper.

Apparently I accidentally got the chest freezer too stuffed on Sunday and the lid/door must not have been shut sealed. Wed evening dh went to get a loaf of bread out of it, and realized it was only about half frozen. He adjusted some and then everything went back to getting frozen properly. He was also grumbling at me that I'm not leaving space for air to circulate. I said well, not much I can do about it for this week - I needed all the stuff for Thanksgiving and starting Sunday, when I can take the biggest turkey out, and then a bunch more out as the week progresses, it will get back to normal.

I just tried to call my mom to say hi and she must have unplugged or disconnected the phone again. I hate to keep asking the staff to fix her phone all the time....I'll be seeing her next Friday, so I suppose it can wait until then. I'm kind of out of energy from this week to deal with it today. 

Well, as always with work, there are things to get done before going on vacation/time off. I'll be glad when today is done.


  1. Maybe there’s something in the air. I felt like that at work yesterday. I shut the door to my office (I’m a school nurse), and just hid. I didn’t want any chit chat with anyone, and luckily for me I had very few kids that needed me. I’m still trying to figure out why. There was literally no reason for it. Maybe it’s the weight of the world, all the terrible news, and seemingly no solutions. My MIL with dementia is actively dying right now. She hated me, but I feel for my husband. My luck she’ll decide Thanksgiving is the day. Anyway, thank you for letting me vent! I hope you feel more settled as well! Best, liz

    1. I'm so sorry about your MIL. It's hard, for sure. Hopefully your MIL will be at peace soon. I am glad to have the next week off of work. I need a break from it.

  2. You sound pretty p***d off - quite understandable.
    Hopefully the assistant problem will soon be resolved.
