Thursday, November 2, 2023

Thursday this and that

I see daylight savings time change is this weekend. I think I'm kind of glad - the cat wants out first thing in the mornings now, but it's too dark out, so I won't let him out until I can see out there. At least with the time change I should now be able to let him out when I get up.

The temperature has warmed up just enough that it's raining instead of snowing and supposed to rain all day, take a break tomorrow and start up again all weekend. Hopefully I'll get a dry drive back into the city tomorrow.

DAN showed up yesterday (twice) to haul his 2 pieces of construction machines out. I'm sure it's just because it's winter and he won't let them sit out there all winter, but it would have been nice if it was really because he was giving up, LOL. At least we shouldn't have to see him again for another 5 months 😁.

I see the shipment with my mom's clothes now got transferred from UPS to USPS yesterday and is still supposed to be here today, so I hope it makes it and I don't have to reschedule my passport appointment tomorrow. I also noticed my mom really needs a hair trim. Apparently they still have not gotten an new hairdresser to come in once a week, like they had before. I think I will just take my hair scissors with me and trim it up best I can.

Ok, to those of you who recommended the Folgers Black Silk coffee - I really do like it better than my old coffee. I've also noticed I am finishing it all before it gets cold, LOL. 

I'm feeling very stocked up in the pantry, fridge and freezer. I have like 8 loaves of bread in the freezer and lots of extra (with long dates) milk in the fridge. 

I still haven't gotten reconnected with my side job. Boss has to contact the IT and she emailed back yesterday afternoon that she was busy (with non work stuff) so hadn't gotten to it yet. It's not a rush for me (other than I would like to pay myself for October, haha). My luck it will be tomorrow, when I am gone, that they call me to work on it. I am definitely not high on their priority list now.

When reheating some of the mac & cheese in the microwave I recently decided to give the "sensor reheat" button a try. Never used it before. It's really good! Heated the plate of m&c up just right each time. No guessing on the time and then checking and having to turn it on for another 20 seconds. I still haven't used my oven's steam clean yet, but plan to this weekend.

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