Tuesday, November 21, 2023

It's cake day

It sure was nice having yesterday off. I even slept in until 7:40. My back is feeling mostly fine (unless I start doing housework! LOL) so I just did a little work, took a break, did a little work. I got our bed sheets washed and remade. Got the toilets cleaned and also steam mopped our shower floor. A load of dishes washed in the dishwasher last night that are ready to get put away this morning. DH washed a few windows - all the ones the cat sits at and somehow get his nose and paw prints on. I went around and emptied all the small wastebaskets.

Today is red velvet cake making day! I hope it turns out good :) I will be freezing it and then taking it back out and putting the frosting on tomorrow. Tomorrow I will also make a pumpkin pie.

Someone must have noticed my mom's phone unplugged and plugged it back in, as I tried again (twice) yesterday and it was ringing again, but she wasn't in her room. I was kind of thinking to myself, the staff is obviously in her room everyday and someone cleaning weekly, and after me asking 2-3 times to check her phone, you'd think they could glance at her phone and see if it's still plugged in every so often. So, someone must have. Maybe I'll get through to her today.

Our cloudy gray weather also went away yesterday. It was some "inversion" that I didn't realize was also causing our air quality to not be so good, but I see this morning, per the weather app, it is back to good/normal. So far so good with the weather for dd and sil's drive over here.

Mrs Neighbor always decorates our 3 mailboxes out at the entrance of our street for Christmas and she texted yesterday afternoon she took advantage of the good weather to decorate them, sorry it's before Thanksgiving. I replied Thank you! :)  Doesn't bother me a bit if it's before Thanksgiving. 

I also want to cut some layers back into my hair after I take a shower this morning. Last time I cut a bunch of length off, I didn't put any layers back in. If I don't have it back in a pony tail, it looks much better with layers.


  1. Truth to tell, I used to inwardly gripe about Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving, but I outgrew it. And if someone chose to decorate my mailbox for me as your neighbor did, I'd be overjoyed! What a nice gesture! I have a kid whose favorite decorations are fall, and THOSE get put out at the end of August, and stay until after Thanksgiving dinner!

    1. Practical Parsimony here. Just curious, what is the advantage of freezing the cake for a day before frosting?
      I will try to get pumpkin pie made today. Tommy is digging in his heels, saying he does not want to make gravy. (browning the roux) So, he makes white sauce willingly. Now, I am calling it white sauce, then I will instruct him how to brown it, and I am saying I will make the pumpkin pie. With pie and gravy in his mind, he will make the gravy willingly. sigh.Hopefully. He hates gravy. He says it gives him gas and makes his face greasy. He must have eaten spicy gravy!
      You would think that "plug in the phone" would be on a daily list. Your mother must check it to make sure it is unplugged. At lest you don't have to worry about her fretting over tv and computer not working.

    2. Apparently freezing it helps seal in the moisture and also makes it really easy to frost

  2. Your cake will be perfect! :)

  3. Ha, so another one who cuts her own hair! I've hacked bits off my hair as they start to stick out but yesterday I called to make a hair appointment and she took me straight away as she had a cancellation. She nearly fainted when she saw it!!! I guess it's just as well I can't see the back of my head, but then I don't care what impression I make on people when I'm leaving either!
