Sunday, November 26, 2023

The end of the week off

Boy, it sure doesn't feel like I've had a week off. It was very nice having the help decorating the house. We got most of it done yesterday. DD and SIL left at 3pm, so we got most of the day with them and they got home by 9pm their time, so will have today to get stuff done or relax before they go back to work tomorrow.

I'm really thinking I should bite the bullet - pay the $60 for a Costco membership and go get 6 of those nice wreaths and see if I can return the really crappy ones I got at Lowe's. I really didn't want those crappy ones, but that's all I could see they had (we even went inside to look) and felt if I didn't get them, then we wouldn't have any, since we aren't likely to go shopping again for at least a week. But, then we went to Costco after Lowe's and I really should have just bought them and made dh drive back over to Lowe's so I could return. Now I'm thinking we should just go in to the city today and do it. We'd both be happier. DH thinks those wreaths we got are totally crappy, too. I would think Lowe's would let me return them. Their return policy online says holiday items just have to be returned before the holiday and it's only been 48 hours since I got them. I'll see what dh thinks when he gets up......

I tried the breakfast casserole recipe I found yesterday morning. It was pretty tasty, though I think if I made it again, I'd cut down on the sausage by about half. I'd prefer a more even ratio of sausage to egg, LOL. But it had good flavor and dh had seconds and later, while the dish of it was still sitting on the counter, cooling down, he took a couple bites out of it.

I was so exhausted by the time the kids left yesterday afternoon. I was taking a nap by 3:15 LOL. Amos came out of his hiding spot in my closet and was ready for a nap, too. I woke up at 4:30 and it was so quiet in the house, I thought maybe dh had decided to go outside and start doing the outside decor, but he had fallen asleep sitting in his desk chair, LOL. Dinner was just heated up turkey dinner leftovers. 

My $5 Temu purchase of Nutcracker banners look cute on our patio posts. Plus they take up no room when rolled up for storage. Ok, so I didn't realize dh did hang up one of the wreaths (the rest go on the fence). Ya know, it looks fine, I think I'll live with them. But, next year I'm going to Costco for the wreaths!



  1. If you’re not happy with them now, they will just piss you off every time you look at them! Just go do it! Even if you rarely go to Costco, you can still get some good deals online and their shipping isn’t too bad. We drive about an hour to get there. We used to go monthly, but lately it’s been every other month. I keep a running list of things I need, plus I shop for 2 of the kids. Even with all that we are in and out in less than hour. We usually get there when they first open so they are never busy. We love their chicken breasts and thighs so I would keep my membership just to buy those lol.


    1. We decided to just use these Lowe's wreaths. From a distance (which is what 99% will see it from) they look ok.

  2. I love the nutcracker banners. Very neat!
    That wreath looks fine. I would do Costco next year or this year if you're up to the exchange etc. I don't think that would be a problem.
    What you have looks great:)

    1. thanks, I'm loving the nutcrackers :) We'll do Costco next year for sure

  3. I think it's a matter of seeing them from a distance vs up close. The one in your picture looks just fine. It's a good size for that spot and I would think the others will look just fine on the fence. Once the season is over, done is done and in the case of the wreaths, dead is dead. Fancy ones from Costco or the perfectly fine ones from Lowes. (just remember for next year) Ranee (MN)

    1. DH said the same about the picture and from distance look fine. Pretty soon they'll be half covered in snow anyway, LOL

  4. I was/am rooting for the exchange. I was holding my breath, wondering what Temu was sending. They never have dimensions of anything. Plus, they never tell what the items are made of. I have been disappointed with Temu, but am giving them another chance.

    1. The banners look really good as does the wreath.
      Practical Parsimony

    2. Everything I looked at on Temu had sizes shown in the pictures. I even measured the height of my patio posts before I ordered to make sure the length of banners would work.

  5. I think it looks beautiful! Love those nutcracker banners!

    1. I'm loving the cute banners too. I wonder how long they will last, LOL. Temu also had some really cute fence banners.
