Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Just more of the usual (headaches)

It's always something to deal with. I decided to use my free hour (between when I get up and start work) to get logged into my side job and finish up recording their October stuff. Only I can't get logged into the VPN. This has been the most inconsistent thing ever. It's so annoying. It could just be that their server at the office is down this morning, so rather than email my side job boss, I'll wait a couple hours and try again. If it's still not working, I'll let her know I can't get logged in (again...). She's usually not working until like 9 her time, anyway.

And for some reason, now, every time I try to open my "windows start" icon or type in the search bar, I get this weird screen where I can't do anything. The only way I can get it to go away is to click over on my other monitor. So, I apparently now have no way to bring up my Windows start menu. One more thing to figure out.

I'm taking off early from work this afternoon, as we are going into the city for a few errands, 3 that can only be done during weekday/working hours. I need to submit my passport application at the main post office. We need to pick up our furnace filters and some other part dh wants from them, and go to the bank. The rest of dh's order is ready to pick up at the store, as well as we are going to pick up another grocery order, since we are in town.

In other news I got an email from my mom's memory care that they now have zero Covid cases, so they are going to proceed with the flu and covid boosters they were supposed to do last week.

I think I have everything ready for the passport. I filled out the application form online and printed it. I have my original birth certificate and a copy of my DL and a check made out. For dh's passport renewal, I have it ready to mail, after we get a priority envelope at the post office, to send it in. I also have 2 other things to mail while I'm there. Saves me a cold cold walk to our mailbox early in the morning, LOL.

I told dd I'm just going to wait and give her birthday gifts when they are here at Thanksgiving and also make a cake or something (as well as pumpkin pie) and any requests? She is requesting red velvet cake, so red velvet it is. I just need to decide if I want to find a from scratch recipe or just do a box mix. I'm sure the box mix is just as good. That's all I ever make for other cakes and they always taste good.


  1. When I went to the post office to get my passport I had to have 2 checks, one for the post office and one to send with the application. No idea as to why - it was too long ago :) Good luck!

    1. I'll be you are correct. When I was ready to print my form it said the total was $165. $130 plus a processing fee, so I'll bet it is 2 separate payments

    2. It is 2 checks. We had our pictures taken there too and I’m thinking I needed separate checks for that. Dh and I got them at the same time and I wrote a lot of checks that day!

      And on another subject. You asked if my county was involved in the lawsuit against the state and I said no. Well at some point they did join the protesting counties I guess, and did lower the state mills.


  2. When it comes to red velvet cake, boxed mix is fine, BUT, scratch is an entirely different story. I only make Red Velvet Cake (a.k.a. Waldorf Astoria Cake) on my youngest's birthday, because it is quite an ordeal. The trick is the final step, in which you mix vinegar with baking soda, then put it in the batter, then get the batter in the pans, and the pans in the oven before the reaction stops, so the heat can continue the reaction. Also, a true red velvet cake ahs Ermine Frosting, (also called butter roux, or cooked milk frosting) in which you make a roux, cool it to room temperature, then add it slowly to your butter and sugar mix. The gluten causes the frosting to get the most wonderfully smooth texture! But, you have to add the very roux s-l-o-w-l-y as you beat the butter and sugar, or you will get lumps, like in a gravy. For this kid's birthday, I go all out, and bake it from scratch--for a pot luck, I use the boxed mix, but make the Ermine Frosting. Here's a link to the recipe which is closest to mine: https://www.cookiemadness.net/2007/07/22/waldorf-astoria-original-red-velvet/

    1. ok - wow! That's way past my baking skills, LOL. Plus, I'm going to be prepping/cooking for Thanksgiving. Box mix it is, haha! But that cake does sound amazing.

    2. Have you ever tried swapping out the ingredients for the boxed mix. add 2 extra egg yolks, swap milk for water and use melted butter instead of oil. Makes a much better cake

    3. Anon - I have not tried that, but sure sounds like it would make a great cake! I have some regular box mixes in the pantry (not red velvet) so maybe I'll try that this weekend for some dessert :)

  3. I'm a long-time reader (seldom comment). I do hate to hear that your mom's home and others are giving the shots/boosters. Just have to say that in my opinion, and the opinion of many reputable doctors around the world, the C shots are very harmful and will most likely increase chances of getting ill and possibly dying. AFLDS dot org has information on this plus other sources.

    1. Agreed, but when Covid and the first vaccine came about my mom was with it enough to understand and she wanted the vaccine, so she has and then subsequently the boosters. At this point I am going with what her doctor and the memory care facility recommends/prefers.

  4. I was going to make similar suggestions as other commentor. One day, I will try those and see if the box mix is better that way. Okay, I know you will have your mother get the vaccines. I have never had a vaccine make me ill except one--tetanus.
    Linda Practical Parsimony

    1. She has not been ill from them, either, thankfully.

  5. I will say I had the updated covid booster and had no reaction whatsoever, I normally felt a little off the next day, but this one felt great. And luckily haven't had covid at all yet! Which I'm thankful for, since I have a few chronic health problems (some of which have allowed me to get the vaccines early everytime)

    1. I hope you don't get Covid - even a little bit, it's not fun

  6. I would definitely use the box mix! Maybe add some apple sauce as part of the oil requirement. Or just go with the swaps as mentioned above.

    I have two questions, unrelated. What is a "state mill"? And what do you use the Windows button for?

    1. I do use applesauce swap in the boxed blueberry muffins and they taste great. The state "mill" is the levy's the state and counties tax for property tax. One mill is $1 per assessed $1000 of assessed value. Our mills are comprised of various levy's for the services. The state schools is 95 mills, our county school district mill is 291. Then there are different mill rates for services such as police, hospital, etc.

    2. I forgot to answer your Windows question. I sometimes use the Windows icon to access programs and the control panel and settings. It's also what to click on to shut down or restart your computer

  7. I will await the red velvet results! I am not a baker, but my sister is and she does it all by scratch - but a boxed cake is equally as yummy too. Hope the passport application goes well, we have a ton of places to go to being in a big city - but during the last couple years had huge backlogs - resolved now but quite a doozy at the time.

    1. it will be a boxed version. I'm not much of a baker
