Monday, October 16, 2023

Weekend wrap up

I ended up with about 3/4 cup of mashed bananas for my 1 cup recipe, so I did add 1/4 cup of applesauce to it. The bread turned out perfect. I may be imagining it, LOL, but I actually think it tastes better this way. I think it will be my new recipe going forward :)

I got 2 loads of laundry done as well. Mostly I felt like I was just cleaning the kitchen all day. After breakfast, after baking, after dinner.... I still need to get my desk/office cleaned up. Also, we'll likely head outside later and begin cutting down all the iris. Not sure what happened to most of them this year, but after they bloomed (early summer), by late summer all the leaves turned brown.

Ok, I took a break from writing this post and worked on my desk/office. It's getting there. I can see most of the top of my desk again. Funny how I can get so messy and disorganized with my desk, but I can't stand it like that in any other part of my house. Now I'm messaging with DD, so not getting a lot done!

I didn't get to finish this post yesterday. We went outside to cut down all the iris plants around 11:30 and that took us an hour and 15 minutes. Much easier doing it together (I did it by myself last year) but still really hard on the back and legs. Either bent over or squatted down that whole time. Burning legs! LOL. We were so glad to get it done. I didn't have the energy to go back upstairs to my computer the rest of the day. 

I am feeling it even more this morning. Ugh. My lower back and legs. Coming up the stairs was painful, LOL.  

Amos likes the blanket I recently got for the back of the sofa. He pulled it down and took nap. He's also been sleeping next to me a lot most nights now. Who knows why he changes his routine, haha. He'll usually stay for 2-3 hours and leave for awhile. I then usually turn over, so my back is towards the edge of the bed. He'll come back at some point and I feel him jump up, hoping he'll just find a spot to lay down. No, it has to be in the exact right spot, so he will tap me with his paw until I turn over and he can curl up next to my stomach.

The shelf milk and Folgers Black silk coffee I ordered are supposed to arrive today. I'm looking forward to trying out both, but the coffee trying will have to wait until tomorrow morning as I'm drinking my one cup for today right now. Or....maybe I'll just make a very small cup to give it a try today 😋

Well, I guess I'd better post this now or else I'm going to get too busy with work and next thing I know it will be afternoon already.


  1. You can let us know if the best part of waking up, is Folgers in your cup LOL! I love an Amos update, snuggly little buddy! My sister's cat sometimes stays with us and the last time, he was snuggled right between my legs over night - ouch! He also enjoyed sleeping on top my suitcase LOL.

    1. he's also been sleeping a lot on the dog bed we still have under the stairs.

  2. That cat is darling! I need to clean up the flower beds, and plant some bulbs. I also have lots of giant Cosmos and sunflowers which are blooming, but have been blown over by the wind. There are also zucchini and pumpkin vines flowering in the vegetable patch, which need to be pulled. I can't seem to find motivation to head out there, so I'm going with "it's for the pollinators."

    1. some of my annuals are still blooming and some of the daylilies are, too. I don't have the motivation either.

  3. I'm going to try applesauce in my next batch of banana bread. The more I think about it the better it sounds.
    Amos now has possession of the new blankie. You can forget about it :)

    1. You'll have to let me know what you think of the applesauce in the banana bread. We've definitely eaten this loaf faster, haha
