Friday, October 6, 2023


I told dh yesterday I needed to run into town for milk and gatorade. He said why don't we just go into Walmart after you get off work? I said well, I'll have to see if they have a pick up time available. To my surprise they did, so I picked between 5-6pm. I had most of my list already made out, so I got the order in and then still had a few hours to add things I later thought of. I remembered I want to make my taco soup, so I got a can of each of the beans it uses (like every kind, LOL). It makes a huge pot of soup and enough I can freeze for 4-5 more meals for us, that are nice to have throughout fall and winter months.

I kicked off work about 15 minutes early and we headed to the city. Halfway there dh says "why am I coming? LOL" I said "um...I guess if you wanted dinner tonight you needed to come!" LOL. Dh likes to drink chocolate milk some, but I got a notification they were out of chocolate milk. I had already planned to stop at the other grocery store after Walmart to pick up the salmon we like, as well as some frozen hamburger patties. I tried Walmart's frozen hamburger patties and they didn't taste very good to me. So, when I ran into that store, I grabbed chocolate milk too. The salmon was $4 off, which is good savings, so I bought 4 boxes (2 fillets in each). When checking out, the cashier says "it's our seniors 10% off day, are you over 55?" Yes, I am, so I saved about $6 more. We stopped at Taco Time and ate that on the way home. Groceries just keep going up and up - My Walmart order was $328 and my other grocery store was $60.

Those of you my age...did you watch Bewitched when you were a kid and wished you had her powers? As we were pulling in the driveway I told dh now is when I wished I was Bewitched. I could twitch my nose right now and all the groceries would be put away ;) I was feeling a bit tired after working all day,  but, he got it all hauled into the kitchen and I got it all put away. At least I didn't have to make dinner. We made the round trip in 2 hours and 15 minutes. Pretty quick, and we had to deal with 2 areas of road construction, where it was like 35 mph.

I went to bed about 15-20 minutes earlier than usual and I was able to wake up my normal time this morning, no problem. Or maybe it was just annoying Amos who kept waking me up, that did the trick. Starting around 6am he'd jump up and curl up next to me for about 5 minutes and then leave. Back again 10 or 15 minutes, on repeat.

I kinda/almost broke my glasses yesterday afternoon. I accidentally bumped one of the nose pads off. The nose pad (for these glasses) has a tiny metal piece attached that goes into the part on the glasses. I tried to put it back in and it went in, but not tight. Uuuughh! In a drawer in my dresser I have like 6 pairs of old glasses. I grabbed all of them to see if any were similar set up. Didn't appear to be, but my last pair at least did seem pretty much the same prescription, so I could wear those in a pinch, if I had to. Then I took a closer look at my nose pad metal piece (it's so tiny) and realized part of it was bent in. Hard to explain but it's kind of like a C shaped and that goes inside the part on the glasses, around the teeny screw. I used the tip of a little knife and bent it back out a bit, and then it went into my glasses and stayed there. I know it's not 100%, but as long as I'm careful and not bumping the nose piece, it should be ok, plus I now know I have the backup pair (I put those in my purse to have). It's time for new glasses anyway. I just haven't gotten off my butt to make an appointment. 

DD and SIL got on the plane about half an hour ago to fly home. They will be back later this afternoon. She is ready to be home and see her pets, too. She said they got in over 100 miles of walking during this trip. 

My plans this weekend are to make an apple pie and taco soup (crockpot). We are supposed to have sunny days in the low 70's. I don't think dh will have any yard work to do. He got it mowed on Wednesday and everything else is done for the season with it. I am just waiting for a couple of frosts to happen and then I will need to cut down all the iris.

What are your weekend plans? 


  1. That is a lot of walking! I cannot imagine.
    Jeanie had a good thing going with all that instant magic on Bewitched. Yes, I have wished for that power.
    I have no definite plans. It all depends on whether I sleep or not.

    1. Jeannie had good powers too. I wanted my bedroom to be her bottle LOL

  2. You made good savings on that salmon (and at least they ASKED if you were over 55)!

    1. it was really good savings and I was happy they had it in stock - often it is out of the one I like -Butter and Herb seasoned. I'm not a fan of the other flavor - Blackened.
