Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Convection oven

It was a pretty productive day, work wise.  Though I did accidentally disconnect myself again by accidentally hitting the sleep mode button. I suppose I could remove the key, but I have this nice brand new keyboard and don't really want it to look old and broken, LOL. It wouldn't be so bad to just go into sleep mode, but it also disconnects me from my remote connection, so I have to get signed back in, which is a 2 step process.

Today I have the "fun" job of posting the AmEx statement - 8 pages of transactions to post to our accounting program. This ranks up with reconciling the bank statement (usually like 6 pages) each month. Not on my list of favorite tasks. I was really hoping I could pass this job on to the accounting assistant, but then my boss decided she didn't want to give him access to our financial info, which is understandable, but I did tell her it could be set up so that he only has access to specific screens, not the whole big picture.

We have our first winter storm watch of the season starting late tonight through Thursday. It's supposed to rain this evening and then turn to snow as it gets colder. I'm ready for the "white wonderfulness", as dh always calls it :)

We will run into town today to pick up dh's prescription, fill the car up with gas, and stop at the store for the potatoes I need. Everything is within a couple blocks of each other, so quick and easy. We have one traffic signal light in our county - and it's not in our town, LOL.

This mornings breakfast is an orange cranberry muffin and a glass of eggnog. Yum.

I had my cup of (Folgers Black Silk) coffee when I first got up.

My oven has a "convection" option. I have NO idea how it works/how to use it? Do you have this and use it? 

I guess I should probably read up on how it works. I also just realized it has 2 cleaning modes. I have never used these either. The last time (different house) I decided to try the self cleaning, OMG, the whole house smelled so bad for hours and hours. Last time I cleaned this oven, I just used the "pink stuff" (which I wasn't that impressed with). The glass really just needs to be cleaned the most. The pink stuff did not really take any of the hardened on film/spots. Again, I suppose I should research this! I don't know what the "probe" is either...did it come with a probe? Maybe it's in the package of instructions. When we were building the house I just put all the various manuals, etc, into a plastic file cabinet to keep. This oven is obviously for people who know how to cook. LOL. I don't even use the timer - I can't figure out how to do minutes and I always just use the microwave above it for a timer.


  1. My mom likes to use the convection mode, but I have no clue what it does! I find sometimes when she uses it, the oven doesn't warm up to the temp we asked it to get to (but I think our oven is just plagued with this overall problem) Hopefully all your errands go well and you don't get any snow!

    1. the errands are done and we're hoping for snow ;) LOL

    2. May I know in which area you are located that you are expecting? And 8 pages of credit card statements? Gulp! Um, how much do you buy?

    3. Hi - Montana and the 8 pages of credit card and bank statements is for the company I'm an accountant for ;) It's the 2 owners and COO's credit card bills each month for business expenses.

    4. I've been posting the monthly AmEx statement for over 18 years now and each and every month it still astounds me how much it is, LOL.

    5. I would literally have a heart attack every single time....

    6. you might be able to download the Amex transactions right into your accounting software.

    7. Kanadiangirl - mostly I just shake my head at some of the amounts and purchases, especially for the travel.

      Anon - I tried downloading them a long time ago and could never get it to work smoothly enough to make much difference in the time involved. Maybe it's better now, I should look into it again.

  2. STEAM CLEAN!!!! That option is great. It takes about 30 - 45 minutes. All you do is take the racks out, put the required amount of water in the oven, (usually 1 or 2 cups), press the button, and wait for it to be finished. Then, you grab a towel, and wipe up the remaining water. No smell, no need to open the windows--I always feared for daughter's Guinea Pigs when I ran the self clean in our farm house, to the point that I'd only run the cycles on warmer days so I could have her window wide open!
    Convection Oven: I used that option only a few times, and then forgot about it. It's great for a roast, because it cooks quicker, more evenly, and makes the roast tender. If I understand correctly, the convection oven is a fan which circulates the air as it cooks. DO NOT use it for cookies/cakes. (Ask me how I know.) I haven't used it here, because I take the time our Sunday roast is cooking to sit with my husband and enjoy a glass of wine. (Or two.)

    Probe: You put the probe end in your roast, and connect the other end to the female connection in your oven. The display should flash "probe." You then put in the temperature you want your roast to be, say 130 degrees Fahrenheit for a medium rare beef roast, and then press start. (No preheat.) The oven will turn off when the probe reads that internal temperature. Because there is no preheat, it takes longer. I haven't had good luck with the probe. I find it leaves my roasts underdone, and I'm one who likes RARE beef.
    Added: The steam clean function doesn't get the oven as clean as the high heat clean..so, if you want to avoid having to use the high heat clean, it's best if you run the steam clean function regularly. I always run it if I have had a spill the night before. I know having to sop up the remaining water sounds onerous, but, really, it's no issue at all. I LOVE the steam clean option, and probably use mine monthly.

    1. I'm definitely going to give that steam clean a try! It does sound like a good idea to do monthly. I found the probe in the bag that has the manual and warranty. Not sure I'll even use it (I usually do roast in crockpot) but I'll at least know and remember I have it to use if necessary.

    2. I knew you would know about convection! Always love your comments Meg!

    3. Meg always has lots of good info!

  3. I've never used the convection setting. It is suppose to cook more evenly. For turkeys & roast etc. Maybe pizza? You should have a prob with your pamphlets. I've never used that either. 0(
    I have used the self clean but only on a day that I could open a window. I will start using the steam clean. Less time & hopefully no strong smell.
    There are no plain or simple appliances anymore.

    1. I've heard it cuts down on cooking time, like for a turkey. Seems like most people don't know how to use it and seems like it would be hard to know how much time to adjust on a recipe

  4. I've read not to use the self clean because of the high temperature it goes to, creating dangerous fumes from the burning of the various spills etc. That it's better to clean with either a steam cleaner (portable) or oven cleaner. I love the idea of the steam clean and wish my oven had it. I would definitely try that. My oven either needs to be cleaned or we need to buy a new stove. I hope the steam clean works for you. We are expected to get a bit of slushy type snow by the end of the week, with a hard freeze and cooler temps. Tis nearly the season, I suppose. I don't mind snow but I'm not too keen on freezing rain etc. Ranee (MN)

    1. I remember how awful the fumes were the one time I did it years ago. I had to open every door and window in the house. I also have my new steam clean mop, which can also be used as "portable" and has a scrubber attachment. I might give that one a try, too, after seeing how the steam cleaning does

  5. I only ever use convection anymore, whether I have one rack or more. You will for sure want to use it for more than one rack. And I only ever use self clean. Works wonderfully and you don't have to use the corrosive chemicals if you clean oven by hand.

    1. do you have to adjust your cooking time and how do you know how much to adjust?

  6. Do you just dump water into the bottom of the oven for steam clean? Or do use a container of water? Sorry for such a dumb question!

    1. I watched a video on it and yes, just pour a cup of water directly to the bottom of the oven

  7. I hardly use any of the functions on any equipment I have. Can't be bothered to read the instructions I suppose. I do put aluminium foil on the bottom of my oven to catch any drips and then just throw it if and when necessary but other than that, I just clean the door when it needs it!

  8. Convection usually means the bottom heating element is on, plus a fan runs to move air around the oven. Sometimes it means top heating element + bottom + fan. It can cook a lot faster on many things, and can reduce preheating time. But, it can be very hard to know what it will do to a lot of baking recipes and require trial and error on them.

    1. that sounds annoying LOL. I barely like making something in the first place, I'd hate to have it not work out and have to do it again.
