Saturday, October 7, 2023

Transaction declined

I've had a Paypal Debit and credit card for years. The debit card is the one dh has in his wallet to use for gas and whatnot (usually just gas). He took his pickup out for a drive and stopped in town to fill up and the debit card would not work. What the heck! I was getting email notifications of the declined charge attempts. I texted him that I have no idea why it's doing that. He ended up just using his cash to pay. One of the perks of small town life - the lady told him "you can just come back tomorrow to pay" LOL. He's like no, I have some cash, I'll just use that.

The debit cards have always worked where they are linked to your paypal balance, BUT, also you could link them to your checking account, so you didn't need to have funds in your papal balance. For years this is how it's worked (same thing how my Target debit card works). I went online trying to see if by chance it got unlinked to my checking and I couldn't find anything how to do that at all. I call and before I could even talk to anyone, their recording said "if you are a Paypal debit card holder, please be advised that as of September 12th, your debit card will no longer link to your checking account and you must have funds in your paypal account to use it". Well, that's just dumb! I rarely ever have money in there. So, I found the credit card issued to dh in my desk (I never gave it to him, since he's always just used the debit card one), and he can just use that from now on. I'm sure they must have sent out some notice about this, but I missed it. So, I just went back online and canceled the two debit cards, as I won't use them now. I have no desire to try to make sure I have money in my paypal account to cover purchases. That would be a constant pain in the you know what. The reason I had him use that debit card vs. our bank debit card was at least we got 1% cash back.

DD and SIL are home. Of course their pets (a dog and a cat) were happy to see them. I'm happy to be able to chat regularly again in our own time zones, LOL.

Those little binoculars I ordered arrived yesterday - they are surprisingly really good for such cheap ones. Much better than the little pair we have (that used to be my dad's that he used at the horse track haha!). I'm glad I decided to buy them. We will definitely use them more than just the cruise. The little purse arrived, too, and it will also work just fine.

Super foggy out again this morning. I can't even see the river. But, that usually means it's going to be a nice sunny day, once it burns off. This is not my picture, but this is sure what it looks like in our area right now and this time of year.

Once dh is up this morning, I will start clanging around the kitchen to get my taco soup in the crockpot. It can just sit on low all day. After dinner I'll get it all divided up into containers to freeze the rest for individual meals.

DD has already started messaging me. Of course trying to adjust to time zone difference. She said they went to bed at 9pm last night and got up at 5am, but at least they got 8 hours sleep and will get back adjusted quickly. They just need to go get groceries, of course.

I'm glad it's Saturday. The week went by really fast and it's now nice to have some relaxing time.


  1. That would annoy me about the PayPal debit too. I use it online, it's linked to my chequing account but I don't have a PayPal debit card. Funny enough I went to put air in my tires yesterday and my debit card didn't work 🤔 but my credit card did, haha!

    1. strange that it wouldn't work. That is why I always carry at least 2 cards with me.

  2. For the last two days, my debit card and cc card from my bank have not worked. However, I had no notification from the site I tried to use, so wonder what is happening. I just hope it was not a fake site and they have my info now. Forget to check the https.
    Where did your daughter leave her dogs?

    1. I wonder why they aren't working, strange to have both not work. DD has one dog now (they had to put the older one down a few months ago) and left him with some friends, who they have watched their dog a few times when they go on vacation. For her cat, she had a co-worker, who lives nearby, stop in and take care of her.

  3. I think Paypal might be slowly shooting themselves in the foot, blocking certain GoFundMes that they don't like and now this. I don't have Paypal but I certainly wouldn't open one now!

    1. I was surprised to see I could cancel it online. It did as for a reason, so I chose other and typed in because they no longer link to my checking account.
