Sunday, October 8, 2023

Apple pie day

It was a nice relaxing and sunny day yesterday. DH was out in his shop most of the day. He decided to get the plow put back on the mule. I don't know all what else he did, but he kept busy putting around.  Amos spend most of the day with him, overseeing it all.

I got the taco soup into the crockpot. Then I pulled my frozen pie crusts out to thaw. When those were ready, I made the apple pie. Well, that was easy peasy and yummy. When it was still a bit warm I cut a slice with some ice cream. Yum.

I told dd how have I lived almost 60 years now and not know there was such a thing as pre made apple pie filling?! LOL.

I tried to get a nap. DH texted me he needed my help out in the shop for a few minutes. Then I went back and tried to nap again. I sort of did. 

Dinner was the taco soup, along with some corn bread. With our groceries I bought a big bag of small candy bar type stuff. You know, to have some on hand, if our neighbor kids stop by on Halloween and we'd have some to eat, too. We're going to end up eating it all before Halloween, LOL.

I still have about a month, but need to get on the ball to figure out a birthday gift(s) for dd. I think some books to read. I might cruise around Etsy shops and see if anything cute catches my eye, that she would like. I'll probably start looking and get overwhelmed at too many things/choices :/


  1. I have known for half a century that there was apple pie filling, but so far I have only bought it once for something besides an apple pie.
    I bought apples for a crisp. Now, I need ice cream.

  2. The apple pie filling is usually right next to the cherry pie filling:)

    1. I really don't like fruit pies (and even apple is pushing it) because I have a texture issue with fruit, LOL. And cherry pie filling is the worst! haha. I can remember as a kid my mom making cheesecake with cherries on top. Yuck! haha. She would leave a part of the cheesecake with just the cherry filling with no cherries. I like the flavor - just not the texture.

  3. Ditto disliking the texture--I think that's why I dislike cherries and blueberries so much. I am fine with jam made from them, but not pies. I don't have that issuue with raspberries and blackberries, though.

    1. yep, same for me. I love raspberries and blackberries (by themselves or in pies, jam) but cherries are the worst for me. Blueberries, the same, plus I don't really like the taste of them as much as the other berries. Strawberries, I can take them or leave them.
