Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The good stuff

We got our snow :) It's too wet to stick to the concrete and pavement, but it's been coming down pretty good since the middle of the night. How do I know this, you may wonder? Well, snow lover dh will turn on the back patio light outside our bedroom window and leave it on so when he wakes up off and on during the night he can see it snowing, LOL.

My mom called me after lunch yesterday. Just a quick chat, but it was good. Of course, she had no memory I was there a couple days prior, but that's ok. I sometimes come across these videos of a guy who's dad has Alzheimers and lives with him and he takes care of him. Very sweet videos. The dad will ask a question and then say "ya, that's what I thought, I just wanted to make sure". This is exactly what my mom will say, too, when she asks something.

We had our first "benefit" of Mr and Mrs Neighbors son and family moving twice the distance away, LOL. They always had come for 4 or 5 days when hunting season starts. This time it was just the son, who apparently flew up, by himself. We wouldn't have even realized he was here, if Mr hadn't told dh he was coming to hunt for 4 days. That's the way it should be - their guests shouldn't overlap into our lives/property. I don't think they had any luck with the hunting though. Usually they always do.

I made the new recipe of pan baked potatoes, green beans and sausage for dinner. It was freaking delicious! We ate the whole pan. The sausage was "chicken and apple" and such a good flavor.

Also, very easy to make. I don't even like green beans much at all and I ate every bite of them on my plate. Next time I'll add more. Dh loves green beans and I figured I'd end up giving him most of them, but they were too good. The only thing the video recipe I watched using the air fryer had was bacon pieces, too, and the recipe I found to bake in the oven, did not have bacon. I will probably try adding some bacon next time. I was trying to go by the recipe I printed and dh kept talking and distracting me while I was trying to make it, that I forgot about the bacon.

I did find the probe in the manual packet for the oven. Doubt I'll ever use it, haha. I am definitely going to try the steam cleaning though! Those that use this option - do you leave the racks in or take out?


  1. I am so looking forward to snow but, we need to wait longer for that. I think I know the guy whose dad has Alzheimer's. His name is Dan, isn't it? His dad is a great guy, always worried about his kids and their finances. I get their videos on my YouTube feed too.

  2. I always take the racks out, because that is what it says to do in my manual.

  3. Wow! I always want the first snow of the season to be on my birthday, Dec 1. But we rarely get snow that early - or sometimes even at all - here in south central KY.

  4. Your dish looks delicious 😋
    Ya, racks out!

  5. We have about 6 or 7 inches so far, with more moving in later. My Dh and sons are all hunting til the weekend so whatever we get will just stay there til Sunday lol. I will blow sidewalks with the leaf blower I suppose. Right now I’m trying to get motivated to go out to the road and bring the trash bin down to the house. It’s so hard to push through snow…..


  6. Dinner looks delicious - can you share the recipe, please?
    Love the snow on the trees! So pretty!

    1. Here is the link to the recipe:
