Friday, October 20, 2023

Finally Friday edition

I'm going to go see my mom Sunday morning and then pick up my groceries. I hadn't heard from her in a few days. I tried again twice during the day yesterday and no answer, so I was wondering if she put her phone in her drawer again. I decided to try again last evening around 6:30 and she answered, but it made me remember why I really hate calling her in the evenings. She had no clue who I was or who she was talking to. She faked it as much as possible. But she kept asking me how old I was and then saying "oh, that's pretty you have a boyfriend?"

One thing I just did, in my quest to be more prepared for an emergency, is order a back up supply of the heart medication I take daily. I can't remember where I heard of this company, JASE Medical (I think I was watching a Dave Ramsey video on youtube or Facebook video). It was quite easy to order. I just had to answer a few questions, give my cell# to text a code, then I got a text asking me to text a picture of my current prescription label. About an hour after that I got a text that the medication has been filled for a year and will be shipped to me. Nice peace of mind. This was 2 days ago and UPS just delivered it already.

So, I decided let's do dh's daily prescription, too. I was just going to order it for him, but it wouldn't take my ph#, since it's been used for me. So, I got his phone and proceeded to sign up. Only then it wanted to verify his identity with the last four of his ss# (I don't think I had to give that). Then it wanted to more verify his identity by scanning a QR code and submitting a picture of his ID and a selfie. Good grief. LOL. So, it's all on hold now as dh is out mowing the lawn for a few hours. I don't know why his has to be so much more involved than mine.  

I also discovered something else I never really realized/thought about checking into. That bill I just got a year later, from our hospital's lab, for dh's PSA blood test, the one that was $137! (it was $144, there was a little insurance w/o, but the rest went to deductible). Well, he can get that blood test elsewhere for much cheaper. Like for $69 at Labcorp or QuestDiagnostics locations. We have a Labcorp in the city. So, next time dh needs that test done again, we'll just do it there and save $68. Good to know.

On my menu for the next couple of weeks, I want to make my homemade mac and cheese. It uses 4 kinds of cheese (and bacon!). Several months ago I wanted to make it and bought the cheeses but then never made it. It calls for like 8 slices of Deluxe American Cheese. For some reason, I have no idea why, I purchased a huge big block of slices. Why?! Why would I do this when I make this like once a year and only need 8 slices?? So, after I had not made it, I threw the big block of cheese slices in the freezer. I just pulled it out to thaw and see if they can still be used. Can they? The slices are just going to get melted in with the other cheeses, when I make it. I still can't imagine why I would buy this package of like 72 slices, LOL.

I don't know what is going on with my computer. Earlier this week, while working, my computer just acted like it shut down and went into sleep mode, as I'm working. I hit enter and it comes back to life, but I am now disconnected from my remote connection and have to re-sign in. Well, it just did it again, 2 times in a row. I'm doing work and it just goes to sleep (I guess?). I logged back in and it immediately did it again.  ohhhhh...I see what it is. My new keyboard - I sometimes use the - key on the top right of the number pad and just above that is what appears to be a sleep mode button. Well, that's a stupid place for it! LOL. I'm reaching above for the - on the number pad and accidentally hitting the sleep button. Well, at least I figured out what is causing it.

I had my desk all cleaned off last Sunday and now it's a big old mess again. Guess I'll be working on it again this weekend.


  1. I got a new keyboard and the numlock is just slightly in the wrong position and i hit every time i enter 7 on the 10-key (never had that issue with any other keyboard, so who knows what's up), but I just popped that key right out and it no longer changes on me. might be an option for that pesky sleep mode key too (unless you actually use it lol)

    1. I don't use the sleep mode key ever, LOL. What do people need/use that for? I don't even use the - key on the # pad too often. Just was entering some negative number into a spreadsheet and accidentally (twice!) hit the sleep button

  2. I would think that frozen cheese would be just fine for mac and cheese. To eat raw might be another thing, but certainly no bother melted!

    1. It might not be good on a sandwich now, but I think it will be fine to melt. I'm going to try it for dinner tonight.

  3. Most dairy products freeze well and I've never had a problem thawing out cheese, for cooking or eating straight off.
    I was just thinking how well your mother seems to be doing.
    Apart from evenings she sounds happy and settled.
    You chose her home really well.
    Evenings are a low time too for my friend with the same condition.

    1. I've frozen shredded cheese before with no problems. I really like the place mom is at. It's expensive, but worth the care they are giving her there.

  4. They may have needed his social and extra stuff if it’s a “controlled substance”. I know it wasn’t until I moved to Kentucky that I started getting asked for my social everytime I went to pick up my meds.

    1. it's not a controlled substance and I looked it up and it's considered a "beta blocker" class, just like my med me!
