Saturday, October 21, 2023

A foody day

I was looking to see if I need more cheeses/what kind and found a small bag of bacon bits under the bags of cheese. So, I did have some, like I thought, LOL. The big block of sliced deluxe american cheese is thawed and now that I know I have some bacon, I can make my mac and cheese today, instead of waiting to get bacon with my grocery order tomorrow. It's yummy mac and cheese. I have taken it to potlucks before and there has never been any left.

Dh got the lawn mowed and when he was done he got the riding and push mowers all maintenanced, cleaned, and put away in the garden shed for the winter. He was working on the riding mower when I got done with work and went to the garage to see what he was doing. He said he'd be done in about an hour. I still had no idea what I was going to make us for dinner. Probably just sandwiches. Two hours later at 6:30 he got done, so I decided to make us some french toast, to use up some white bread I have left. 

Today we need to finish emptying all the flower pots and get those put in the garage for the winter. At least that should be an easy job and won't take too long. Just going to wait until it warms up a bit outside, first though. It's going to be 70 today, but right now it's only 48. Then we sit and wait for winter and snow, LOL.

I was watching a video of a dinner dish made using an air fryer. It looked so delicious (potatoes, kielbasa, green beans, bacon bits, seasonings) and done in like 10 min. But, I so do not need another kitchen appliance taking up room! My kitchen is not really that big. Obviously this can be also be made without an air fryer - I just need to figure out how, haha. It looks like something we'd really like eating. Just put it in a dish and bake it, I guess. This is going to be my project today, look online and figure out how to make it like a normal person without a fancy kitchen gadget 👵

I remembered last year I bought a few "fall" decor items. I guess I should get those out now! I actually forgot about it, until dd mentioned she put out some of her fall decor. oh ya.....LOL

Hunting season starts today, so I'm sure we'll be hearing some guns. There is some state land across from us. Mostly we just see hunters driving on the forest service road across from us, to get back up farther into the woods to hunt. 

Ok, off to shower and dress and then find a regular oven version of this recipe. Then I can add the ingredients to my order for pickup tomorrow.


  1. Yep, it’s opening day today. Best week of the year because Dh and the boys all go hunting for a week! The only bad thing is I have their dogs while they are gone. I’ve been hearing shooting for the last 2 weeks. We live near a shooting range so leading up to hunting season it’s pretty constant. There’s also state ground not far away and people shoot there too.

    I’d just throw everything on a cookie sheet and bake in the oven til it’s done. You might need to start the potatoes first because they will take longer. I love sheetpan meals. Cover the cookie sheet with foil and there’s basically no cleanup!


    1. I wish dh hunted and I could have a week ;) I found a similar recipe like you said, just throw it on a baking sheet

  2. Oh, should have added I put off buying an air fryer for years, but finally bought a toaster oven air fryer combo a couple years ago and I love it. I probably use that thing once or twice a week. I never use any function besides the air fryer. I thought I’d use the toaster oven at least but I don’t. We LOVE salmon in the air fryer, and chicken. It’s great to reheat pizza too. I did some bacon wrapped jalapeños last week and they were so good and quick. Even things like hot dogs and brats are so much better in the air fryer.


    1. I have a feeling it's something I'd probably use a lot, as I like quick and easy, but I really just do not have the counter space for it :( are they heavy? is it something I could store on a pantry shelf and haul out to the counter when I want to use it?

    2. The toaster oven type is heavy but the traditional type isn’t. All my kids have them and they just store them on a shelf. Some of them are small. The kids that started with the small ones have bought the large ones now. One kid doesn’t have a pantry so she keeps hers in a closet. The others all have pantries.


  3. Basically, anything like that in the air fryer can be done on a parchment lined baking sheet in either a 400 degree, or 425 degree oven, it just takes longer. The smaller you cut the pieces, the faster it cooks. I agree "not needing another appliance" to take up room. I'm the same way. DH wanted to buy me an Instant-Pot when they first came out, and we were living on our farm, and I told him I'd never, ever use it, since I have a Crock Pot, and my pressure canner, which is also a pressure cooker. My friend who has similar cooking habits to mine never used hers either, and gave it away, but LOVES her air fryer, using it several times a week. They DO, however, take up a lot of space. So, when we built THIS place, (moved in 7/22) the range I picked out had a built in air fryer! (GE Profile, dual fuel.) The only problem was I had to have a kid synch it to a smartphone, and download the app to enable the function. Same kid then deleted the app once the air fryer feature was enabled. You know me over the years of commenting....I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but WHY TF does my OVEN have to have internet???? I know it's not connected to the internet--but did need to be to get that feature. Ugh...I hate even the HINT of having to pay to use stuff I already paid for! THAT SAID, the air fryer feature is awesome. If I didn't have it, I think I would grit my teeth and buy a countertop one and find a place for it, as we use it that much.

    1. I found a recipe like you described so I am going to try it that way. It does sound like it would be nice to have an air fryer. That is weird that you need an app to get it to work! I didn't know they now make them in ovens. That was smart of you to get that!

    2. It’s crazy how all the appliances have Wi-Fi now. I don’t need a wifi enabled refrigerator, washing machine, or oven. So flipping stupid!

    3. "That was smart of you to get that." Heh. As much as I would love to claim credit, if you remember, we built this in 2021 - 2022, amid COVID, so everything, and I mean EVERYTHING I chose came down to, "Here's what we have in stock." I was lucky with that range. I actually think it may have been the floor model, to be honest with you.

    4. Would you be interested in sharing your Mac and cheese? I need to make it for a potluck and I can’t find one that sounds really good. Totally understand if you don’t.

    5. Sure - here is the recipe. I got it out of Family Circle magazine years ago. Funny, my dd messaged me last night that she was going to make it next week.

  4. I bought an air fryer a couple of years ago and I really liked it. One of the few appliances (in addition to my slow cooker) that I thought was worth the money. The universal problem does seem to be "where to store it" though doesn't it!

  5. I bought an air fryer for our new kitchen after we moved cross-country last year. I was so pumped because everyone told me I needed one, including my daughter, and I never had one. Got it, I used it twice and just sold it on Facebook Marketplace because I wanted my cabinet space back. I feel like the oven/broiling works just as well, plus it felt like I couldn't cook much in there, wasn't for me. My daughter uses hers nearly daily and makes some good stuff in it, it just wasn't as exciting for me as I thought it would be. I was more pumped to get the cabinet space back, lol

    1. I don't have the extra space for one either. This dish I just made - in the air fryer video she said 10-15 minutes in the air fryer. The oven recipe was 25 minutes...all the other prep was the same, worth it to me for the extra 10 minutes and have my counter/cabinet space, too.
