Monday, October 2, 2023

Passports and Scotland

I don't have a passport. I double checked and do not need a passport for the cruise, but, it is recommended to have one for an emergency. If by chance, on the one day we are in port in Victoria, BC and we had an emergency where I didn't make it back to the ship and needed to get back into the US via another method, I would definitely need a passport. I'm like, we'll be in Victoria part of one day, what's the odds? I was still trying to decide.

Then I got an email yesterday reminding me I had an appointment at the courthouse in town on Tuesday, morning, to renew my drivers license. I confirmed the appointment. Then I remembered the reason for the appointment (and why I didn't just renew my drivers license online) was to get the REALID license. It's been so long since I made the appointment, I had totally forgotten about it until the reminder yesterday.

This morning I got to thinking - if I decide to get a passport, then I have no need for the cost and time to get the realid license. I asked dh what he thought and he said to just get a passport and that takes care of everything I may possibly need - all my bases are covered with that. So, I just went online with my state and renewed my regular driver's license (for 12 years!) and then went back online to the appointment portal and canceled my appointment for tomorrow. Now, I just need to get the passport taken care of. To renew his passport dh will also need to submit new photos, so next time we are in the city we'll stop in Walgreens and get that taken care of for both of us and get started on the process to apply for mine and renew dh's.

Today dd went to Huntly, Scotland, where my paternal grandfather was born. So cool. There is the Huntly Castle ruins, built in the 12th century, which they toured. One of the photos had the sign out front with some of the history. The clan, who were the Earl's of the castle until like 1850, were named Gordon. My great grandfather's middle name was Gordon and his mother's maiden last name and her parents are Gordon, so I have many x great grandparents going back with that last name. So, I joked with dd, maybe we are related to these Gordon's of the castle :)


  1. The REALID driver’s license was at no extra charge for me last year (NYS)! - Ricki

    1. and only good for 8 years, instead of 12. I'll be glad to have a passport, one of these days I want to get up to Canada to visit my half sister

  2. I think a passport is always the best form of ID! You just can do so much more, and better to be safe than sorry in terms of travel!!

    1. I'm sure I'll be glad I have it, once I finally get one.

  3. Having a passport will give you the security you need in the event of something unexpected happening on your cruise.

    1. It's best to be prepared as much as possible, especially as we're getting older now

  4. I've pretty much gotten all my paperwork ready to request French citizenship but oh my god, the photos!!! I look like a Colombian drug runner - maybe they will refuse me when they see that. But I agree, better to have a passport on you (and take a photocopy of it to leave on the ship) just in case. Over here of course it's pretty much routine because there are so many borders you can cross. Not that you need to show your passport for the most part but you never know. Oh and you should get your daughter to look up the Gordon family tartan and buy some. It'd be nice to have in your home I reckon!

    1. I don't know much about the clans, tartans and family crests...but if you are a "Gordon" - all Gordon's use the same family tartan?

    2. I would think so (about the tartan) - I mean how would you distinguish between one Gordon and another!

  5. I would definitely recommend having a passport, for the flexibility. But, I don't take my passport for any domestic travel, and you now need to have a real ID to fly (or, it's coming, can't remember the new deadline). I keep my passport at home, unless I'm traveling internationally, so just something to consider, for the real ID requirement.
