Thursday, October 5, 2023

Thursday this and that

Another morning I'm supposed to be up and am sound asleep and deep in dreamland. Amos is my wake up service. He wants to be fed and let outside, LOL. I'm chugging my cup of coffee down, hoping to perk up.

The morning daylight is showing it's going to be all blue sky. I did not get to the store in town yesterday. I got busy with something with work and by the time I got done it was almost 4:30 and I didn't feel like going. Maybe today....

Linda - here is the link to the small lightweight binoculars I ordered. $35, but they are 40% off with the coupon checked.   Link

I'll also be able to tell DD some of the cruise items I want to purchase and she will be happy to have some ideas for Christmas, birthday and Mother's Day :)  I see Amazon even sells inexpensive "cruise kits" with various items that people often like/use for a cruise. Lanyards, luggage tags, magnetic hooks for the metal walls/doors, seasick patches, etc.

Both dh and I are still coughing. Every time I answer my phone my hello comes out halfway until I get my voice going. This morning seems to be worse than usual with my coughing.

DD and SIL have their last full day in Scotland today and fly home tomorrow morning. She said it's been wonderful and fun, but she is ready to get back home, after almost 2 1/2 weeks.

Well, I keep getting too busy with work to take a few minutes to come and finish up this post. Guess this is it for today.






  1. Ordered it. My cough when it was no longer productive was from inflammation. The albuterol inhaler ended that inflammation.

    1. Glad to help with the binoculars. They have lots of good reviews. I mean, of course for the price they aren't some super duper ones, but will be good enough for me.

  2. Sounds like you guys got the long-haul Covid. :-(

  3. So how was the pie? In any case, both DH are vaccinated, and last week both had COVID, again...take 3. But, as before, the only symptom was the cough/mucus. No fatigue, fever, aches, just this stinking cough on our 11th day. My inhaler helps me, (I have asthma.) In any case, had we not known it was COVID, we'd have not given it another thought...but we always coughed into tissues or paper towels/washed our hands/steered clear of others/stayed home when we had the "sniffles."

    1. We just went and picked up groceries last night, so I got the stuff to make a pie. Hopefully I'll feel like making it this weekend! That stinks you've had Covid 3x, but at least this was mild symptoms.

    2. Crap...I meant to say "Both DH AND I are vaccinated." I read my comment this morning, and realize it sounds if I have two husbands!!! Ha! One is more than enough, thank you just the same.

  4. I know my parents both had covid symptoms (fatigue, coughing, couldn't taste) for about a month after they had covid. Hopefully your symptoms fade faster

    1. I am on a month now this weekend. The taste thing didn't last too long, thankfully. That part was awful, but lasted less than a week for both dh and I.
