Monday, October 23, 2023


 I'm not excited it's Monday again, LOL. I think I need a 4 day work week ;) 

Yesterday was a good day. I got to my mom's place about 10:20. Due to covid there was a sign posted at the sign in table with masks, asking visitors to wear a mask and try to only visit if necessary (they did not say either of that in their emails to family - just that they were taking precautions). I had a mask with me anyway, just in case it was required and went inside. There is a tv lounge area just as you get inside and she was sitting there with 2 others watching a church service. I did pull my mask down for a few seconds to greet her, to make sure she could recognize me.

As we were walking back to her room she told a couple people we passed "this is my daughter" and then she said to me my first and middle name! That was a sweet surprise. We just stayed in her room visiting (usually we sit out in a common area outside her room). She's doing good, but it was the same questions and conversation as usual. As I was signing in, to go inside, 2 staff members came up and they keyed in the code and then I followed in behind them. When I was leaving I put in the code (same code since she's moved in last February) and it wouldn't work. I tried again, just to make sure. Then I had to walk back through half the place (it's pretty large) to find a staff member to ask what the new code is and was able to get out, haha. The other cute thing that happened was as I was leaving (the place is L-shaped) and came around the corner, a resident was walking along w/her walker and as she saw me she said "hello" and my mom's name! haha! I even had a mask on. 

After leaving there I stopped at the one grocery store for the fish and frozen burger patties. They were all out of the ones I always get. Dang. I bought a box of another kind that has 20 in it, so I'm hoping these will be fine. They were a little more expensive, so they should be ok. I also got their butter on sale and decided to pick up a carton of egg nog. While I also really like my homemade egg nog, I priced it out and it's more expensive (and time consuming) to make, so I'm just going to buy it.

I got my groceries loaded up at Walmart and headed home. DH got them all brought inside and I put everything away and then made some lunch. At some point I realized I forgot to get the potatoes for that recipe I mentioned (the air fryer one) the other day. Dang it!! I know I had looked at what was available when making my order online. I guess I didn't get it in my cart. So now I have all the ingredients except the potatoes. 

I did find a very similar recipe baking them in the oven on a sheet pan (and as other commenters suggested). We do have to go into town this week to pick up dh's prescription at the pharmacy, so I will have to stop in the grocery store, too, for the potatoes. We will probably go in tomorrow, before the predicted snow for Wed and Thursday.

I ended up taking a 2 hour nap from 2pm to 4pm. I was pretty zonked out, for some reason. Dinner was easy. I heated up the taco soup I had taken out the day before, that we didn't end up eating. 

For probably 25 years now I have been making dh an "egg mcmuffin" for breakfast. I just add some small pieces from ham lunch meat into the egg, a slice of American cheese on top (slightly melted on top after the egg is cooked) between a toasted english muffin. They are pretty good. A few weeks ago, for our day trip to get dh's CWP renewed we stopped at McD's for egg mcmuffins. Dh said "no offense, yours are really good, but these are always so good". When I was getting my order put in Walmart I found they sell some round slices of Canadian Bacon ham, just the exact size of an english muffin, so I made him one with that this morning. It's wrapped in the foil, waiting for him to get up and try. (he likes them to sit in the foil awhile before he eats). Sure looked good - makes me want one myself, haha! It will be interesting to see if he likes it better this way. Ok, he just got up......hold on for an update.....

Ok, he said it's still not as good as a real one, but he does like the Canadian bacon ham and likes it better than how I used to make it. Guess I'll need more of that ham, haha.

What copycat recipes do you make?



  1. Glad you had a good visit with your mom.

    I make sausage and cheese English muffins sometimes. I add an egg to dh’s. Wm sells a great value precooked sausage patty that fits perfectly on an English muffin. The sausage aren’t great to eat by themselves, but are good as a breakfast sandwich. We like Franks on them. I was out of town a couple weeks ago and got one at McDonald’s. I told dd I liked mine better and she agreed homemade are better. But both of us really don’t like McDonald’s at all.


    1. he doesn't really like the sausage egg muffins, so I'll have to stick with the ham. He was wondering if he bought a whole bunch of the sandwiches from McD's if he could freeze them and reheat, LOL.

  2. Yours are probably healthier, though. There can be all kinds of hidden ingredients that McD's has that we're not aware of. I make breakfast burritos for my husband. Scramble a dozen eggs, fry some breakfast sausage broken into crumbles and a bit of shredded cheddar cheese. I assemble them while the eggs are warm, which helps the cheese melt a bit and hold the burrito together. I use whole wheat low carb tortillas or wraps and it makes about 10 to 12, depending on how much you try to stuff in them. I wrap each into a piece of wax paper and then zip bag them for the freezer. Ranee (MN)

    1. those sound really good. How long does it take to reheat (microwave?)

    2. I just prepped a bunch of english muffins breakfast sandwiches with egg, american cheese, and turkey bacon, and I know from frozen they take about a min and a half to 2 and a half to heat up in the microwave.

    3. this is great to know - when I have to go out of town (like for a work meeting) I can leave dh some in the freezer!

    4. My husband says he nukes them for 45 to 60 seconds. He said they are slightly thawed by the time he gets to work but he doesn't think it would be more than a minute. Ranee (MN)
