Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Tuesday that feels like Monday

When I first woke up this morning, I thought it was Monday. I've been sleeping so hard in the mornings lately, when I should be waking up. Except, of course on the weekends. I wake right up and no sleeping in, LOL.

Yesterday dh got the sprinkler system blown out to shut it off for winter. He also replaced the furnace filters and flushed the tankless water heaters (that he didn't do over the weekend). So, he was busy most of the day. Since dh has an air compressor, he can blow out the sprinkler system himself and that saves having to pay to have that done every fall (like our neighbors do). Dh was worn out by afternoon, though.

Yesterday another car came into our street and sat in front of DAN's lots for about 5 minutes and left. Kind of odd. Last week, it was reported that a neighborhood near us, had some theft of some rather large pieces of (expensive) machinery. The properties are kind of spread out and where this theft took place, no houses have view of it, but it is on a corner where people drive by all the time to get to their homes. But anyway, whoever did it, obviously scoped the area out to see what they could steal and when and so that is one of the reasons dh has always paid close attention to unknown vehicles pulling into our street, for no apparent reason.

Yesterday my mom's investment guy called to tell me that one of her CD's matured. Due to her financial needs and to leave some money that is just in cash and quickly available, he put half into a new 1 year CD (at 5.5%) and left the other half in cash. She has another CD that matures in December and then we will also leave those funds in cash and that will be enough for her withdrawal she needs to cover her expenses for next year. I then asked "hey, maybe I wrote the date down wrong, but I thought you were supposed to call last Thursday at 11am to do the quarterly update?" He looks at his calendar (their office manager set up the appointment) and says well, I see a blank spot on my calendar last week for that time, so something went wrong in getting your appt in there! So, he is calling me today, in about an hour. I also needed to do one more smaller transfer of funds to her checking account for the balance of this year and he took care of that for me right then, so I didn't have to call the office manager back to do it (I was waiting until this CD matured, to do the transfer). I'm also expecting to have a large tax refund for her when I file her 2023 taxes. That will be able to go straight into her checking account and be a cushion to use, if needed, rather than tapping into her investments again, for next year. Everything I read on it, says memory care costs are all medically tax deductible, since she needs it for daily living activities. I would think $8000 a month in medical expenses should reduce her federal and state taxes quite a bit! Her investment company withholds taxes (15% fed and 7% state) when she takes withdrawals, so she should get most of that back. 

DD's birthday is next month (28 yrs old), I need to figure out now what to get her. 


  1. I don't like thinking about a thief being in the neighborhood around were I live. But, I suppose if you have an equipment thief, they only want the large stuff.

    1. crazy to think how they got this large stuff without anyone seeing/knowing about it.

  2. When my parents moved from Birmingham to Dorset my dad kept driving past their new house as he missed the turn off. Eventually the Neighbourhood Watch called him in to their control centre as a "suspiscious vehicle"! It all got sorted pretty quickly but it gave us a good laugh!

  3. I think I may have suggested this last year but would your dd like a Pamper Weekend with a local friend as a birthday gift?
    I know you'd both prefer it was you and her but that might be too long a trip.

    1. that would be a very nice gift! but I think it's going to be a little out of my birthday gift budget, at least for this year. She's really started reading the past couple of years, so maybe I'll pick out a few books for her.
